Ademco - 10-11 Vibration Contacts

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Name ademco-10-11-vibration-contacts-5061782943.pdf
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Nos lO li CONTACTS contacts sensitivity most manner No has a good sensitivity can both smaller adjusted No made of applications be achieved proper help ADEMCO Vibration vibration a closed sufficient be mounted alarm protected striking all made adjustable contact Al len Wrench and set adjustment cause an alarm greate as con made by means of more efficiently designed normal sharp COURSE BRICK a setting 5 grams unit CEMENT BLOCK TYPICAL CE I LI NGS AND WALLS a conducted each case ight machini was used determining different mounted Underwriters 48 contact a at approximately a 5 gram setting away any direction mortar unit excel was a a blow gram setting approximately was noted more effective good at a distance 36 unit blow an 8 gram setting TO ADJUST CONTACT PRESSURE A GRAM METER NOT AVAI LABLE iontact point 3 4 4 x wall nches were was near ft checked 24 contact center a height was adjusted a setting excellent adjacent 42 quite proper construction be will particular a unit Meter spring hold detectors been adjusted particular construction experimentation No 135 Gram Meter measured with note meter meter an angle adjusted open balance a Gram Meter not available be adjusted Allen contact grams a clockwise approximately grams approximately CHANGES USES ALLEN WRENCH ADJUSTMENT USES SCREW ADJUSTMENT a clockwise gram pressure Allen be de ohmmeter shown above meter a GRAM METER adjusting di fferent construction Underwriters approximately no effect degrees operation degrees Contact grams are not be not permanent cause result erratic ATMCSPHERE contact 1 thou made outsrde enclosed erratic a ful ly dusty particle contact be used atmospheres NSTALLAT I ON I NFORMAT I ON companies y walls determined ps where ceilings a sounding and affords attach about ft walls company construction one end of distance cei protected procedure When When walls ceilings of weight be mounted without not mount No contact bumpy walls No Vibration weather proof against be made die ends of the No 43 housing will No 43 will

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