Ademco - 147 Reversing Relay with Time Delay

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No 147 REVERSING RELAY TIME DELAY ALARM BELL I NALS OF BURGLAR OR CONTROL POLARITY POWER SUPPLY 89 24 OR 349 TELEPHONE L I NES POLAR 1 TY 1 providing Time Delay volt addition yellow procedure eliminating bands on No required body pre set at Delay also seconds modularm will delayed may delay the one eliminate delay 30 see either Time Delay may be used on a a means delay I upon entering available and 5 available and 5 INSTRUCTIONS positive 6 negative Ian sure observe and 2 to bell any burglar I 4 output your No 349 pack or batteries adjustment page 21 No 89 24 89 24 ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE choosing page 21 standby A STANDBY produce 30 second shown below phone be made with No 147 produce 30 second operating No 133 Modularm bell I terminals burglar I POLAR I TY 147 I terminal POLARITY Energy Pack No 349 proper polarity cause batteries ma to ines closing I control dialer dialer normally No 147 1 USING NO 147 DOES NOT RECEIVE SIGNALING VOLTAGE FROM THE PANEL MODULARM OR MINI MODULARM APPLICATIONS CENTRAL CAUSE Be sure wiring must be attached and 6 of panel 89 24 and 2 go 349 dry alarm and 4 power an No 89 24 Enerqy Pack can be used provide ohms on page 21 of ADJUSTMENT to 3 mile resistance no more ohms corroded must be returned Ademco 2 ALARM NO SUCH INDICATION RECEIVED AT THE CENTRAL STATION MODULARM OR CAUSE corroded Return Ademco coil Return Ademco 3 SHOWN ON THE MODULARM UNIT AT THE CENTRAL MONITORING TROUBLE CAUSE a break ines be rcu weak modularm sure 6 and across of measure millianuneter de series ma of current obtained using sure 89 24 Energy Pack batteries ING A STANDBY BATTERY on 21 of of sufficient ma

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