Ademco - Vista 20HW Programming Form

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VISTA 20HW HWPRV1 See Instructions N7526 2V1 programming the use of a 2 line Alpha keypad connected partition keypad terrninafs on the control For UL installations system may be configured a single partition Values Default Value SETUP 20 130 CODE ARM ENABLE no 1 yes 1 t BYPASS none 1 bypass open zones for UL installations 1 t 2 to 2 m 4 digits O 9 4 11 2 ZONE EXPANSION none 1 4219 2 4229 3 4204 O HOUSE CODE MODULE ACCESS CODE TO LONG RANGE RADIO B 2 C 3 D 4 M 13 N digit enter 1 9 2nd digit enter 11 for A K ll L 1 only 12 for Default 00 no 4285 Module enable enter Trouble code 1 9 B 11 C 12 D 13 14 or F 15 The 2nd digit of Trouble Dialer Report 1 to enable from field 60 for UL installations to disable ENABLE ZONE 7 SOUNDS AND TIMING 32 38 ALARM SOUNDING ZONE SOUNDER TIMEOUT timeout 1 no timeout yes no for UL installations BELL TIMEOUT rein 2 8 rein 3 12 min 4 min minimum for UL TYPE 01 ENTRY DELAY sees O 1 20 sees sees 4 60 sees 5 90 sees Type 02 Entry Delay Zone Type 01 Delay 30 sees Delay Zone Type 01 Entry Delay 40 sees max for UL installations 1 t 2 t EXIT WARNING no 1 vesl OF ARMING DING no 1 yes 1 t m 2 tll 1 t 2 to UP IN PREVIOUS STATE no 1 yes UL installations enter up to the number of digits shown Do not fill unused spaces Enter O 9 1 1 for 1 2 for PROGRAMMING fields 40 41 3 for a pause ACCESS CODE PHONE No No 4 digits and press 41 40 up to 12 digits not fill unused spaces press 42 fewer than 4 digits are entered exit by entering next field To clear entries from field fewer than 12 digits entered exit by pressing entering next field To clear entries from field press 41 up to 12 digits not fill unused spaces fewer than 12 digits entered exit by pressing press 43 if entering next field To clear entries from field press 42 RECEIVER RECEIVER SUBS ACCT PART 1 SUBS ACCT PART 1 SUBS ACCT PART 2 SECONDARY S UBS ACCT PART 2 RECEIVER RECEIVER Entry of a number other than one specified give unpredictable as 4th digit O 9 1 1 for B 12 for C 13 for D 14 for E 15 for q only 3 digits exit by pressing and press next field clear entries from field press 43 44 is to be used 3 1 dialer 46 Acct No 1234 enter Acct No B234 entec 11I 2 I 3 I 4 Acct No 123 entec SYSTEM SELECT FORMAT PRIMARY SECONDARY REPORTING Cent Sta Cent Sta N 3T on a WATS line on a WATS line Pulse Dial 1 Tone Dial Pulse Dial 3 Tone Dial q q 3 1 4 1 ADEMCO US STANDARD 6 or undefined 4 2 ADEMCO EXPRESS 3 1 4 1 RADIONICS STANDARD 4 2 ADEMCO US STANDARD 4 2 RADIONICS STANDARD Disable Backup reporl only ADEMCO CONTACT ID REPORTING 3 1 4 1 ADEMCO IA EXPANDED 3 1 4 1 RADIONICS EXPANDED PRIMARY Alarms Restore Cancel All except Open Close Test Alarms Restore Cancel All except Open Close Test SECONDARY Test none 1 24 hours 2 weekly 3 30 days Test Code in field 64 Reports with Partition 1 subscriber No 24 houc 1 6 hours to Ist 12 hours 3 18 hours downloading programming Radionics O 9 B F reporting O for all other formats SESCOA O 9 only reporting SEC DIALER DELAY BURG no 1 yes for UL installations I TEST REPORT REPORT OFFSET Entry of a number other one specified will give unpredictable ASSIGNMENT ALARM field is an interactive mode Fill in the installation manual CODES the required on the worksheet and on next page and follow the HARD WIRED ZONES ON CONTROL explanation of headings at top of next page RPT CODE Zone 1l Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 Module Panic 1 or A Panic 3 or C Panic or B 1 I 1 can be used as a 2 wire Fire zone 7 can be used for optional Kevswitch 8 can be used as a Glassbreak zone as 77 for Zone Type zT EXPAfVSION ZONES Assign Zone Numbers Zn 10 17 to 421 9 4229 Auxiliary Wired Loops A H if used RPT CODE 9 4229 Loop A 1st Exp Zone ml ZONE No Nos are from 01 to 63,92 9S 96 99 Some are pre aaaigned Field l25 set for autiliary wired loops 4219 or 4229 use Zone Nos 10 17 for lcops A i f ZONE ASSIGNMENT ZONE TYPE 00 Not Used Entry Exit 1 Entry Exit 2 Perimeter Interior Follower Trouble Day Alarm Night 24 Hr Silent 24 Hr Audible 24 Hr Aux Fire Interior w Delay No Alarm Response Silent Burglary PARTITION No ALARM REPORT CODE Values for zones 01 08 1 LOOP INPUT TYPE contact The second pair of boxes is ignored Wire Wire 4219 or 4229 Hex Digits each Hex Di for E 15 for enter for C 9 10 for A 11 for B 12 for C 13 for D entered as the first digit mere will be no rePOt tfor that zone reporting mis is enabling code only Enter any hex digit than 00 in the first pair of RESPONSE TIME O 10mseC 1 350 msec 2 700 msec Default Values for zones 01 08 1 350 msec ZONES continued from previous page 9 4229 RPT CODE 89 RESTORE STATUS PROGRAM CODES 5 76 a 3 1 or 4 1 Standard Formak Enter a cede in the first 1 9 0 B C D E or F Enter for O 11 for B for C rrot not to the next E for F D 14 the rirstbox will disable a report O

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