Autocall TrueSite DACR Interface Option

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Datasheet Fire Alarm Systems DACR Interface Option ULC CSFM Listed Approved MEA NYC control units that are not network compatible or may be too remote for a network connection the TrueSite Workstation can communicate to a digital alarm communicator receiver DACR through an RS 232 port This requires the DACR Interface software option A190 5060 see DACRs listed in this introduction Remote control units equipped with DACTs communicate their local event status or individual point to the DACR using dial up telephone and optional TCP IP connections The DACR forwards the individual control unit status to the workstation information processing and history logging DACRs following DACRs are compatible Bosch Model D6600 see note D6100i and D6100Ipv6 Sur Gard Model System I II III and IV AES Intellinet 7705i wireless to internet receiver Sur Gard Model MLR2 DG legacy product For UL 864 listed Fire Proprietary Supervising Station Operation that uses a DACR select the Bosch D6600 with CID format and A190 8403 see selection events TrueSite Workstation handles DACR points as though they are network points You can display graphics and easily acknowledge point status Point acknowledgement occurs locally on the workstation because communications between the DACT and DACR are from DACT to DACR You need to acknowledge silence or reset remote control units at the individual control unit Point events are entered into the workstation log as part of its 500,000 event storage capacity DACR DACT formats DACRs support standard reporting formats including ADEMCO CID Contact ID format SIA Level 1 BFSK 3 1 and 4 2 You can configure a account on the TrueSite Workstation to be either control unit event reporting or with individual point reporting The other formats provide control event reporting only Workstation points for DACR accounts points are associated with a DACR account number Standard event points have up to a 19 character label for each point CID point has up to a 40 character label DACR event categories include the following Fire alarm Priority 2 alarm Supervisory alarm Trouble Utility status Unknown point CID format only occurrence of these events is prefixed with the 19 character account label points can select the workstation to make DACR associated points public to the fire alarm network for monitoring by other network nodes if required status tracking DACR connection to the workstation is supervised with the trouble conditions in Table 1 tracked by the workstation loss failed DACR message DACR account loss between DACR and workstation workstation to DACR connection did not successfully establish DACR sent a message that was not understood by the workstation account information received does not correlate to an workstation point 1 DACR trouble conditions supervision workstation is programmed to log periodic supervisory transmissions from the DACTs through the DACR Failure to receive a supervisory causes a trouble event on the TrueSite workstation restoration the workstation receives an event restoration from the DACR it restores that point s status record to normal The workstation can manually a point to normal when a restoration occurs that is not forwarded to the workstation to Product Selection tables for specific product listing details CSFM Listing 7300 0026 323 Accepted for use City of New York Department of Buildings MEA35 93E does not include model Additional listings may be applicable contact your local Autocall product supplier for the latest status S4190 0028 Rev 2 11 2021 interface reference diagram DACR Interface Option 1 DACR interface reference diagram 2 Image callouts to standard fire alarm control unit FACU network loops connection for example the AES Intellinet 7170 serires wireless transceiver equipment DACRs such as the following Sur Guard Model System I II III or IV Bosch Model D6600 D6100i or D6100IPv6 AES Intellinet 7705i to product documentation for details path through a dial up connection for compatible Sur Guard and Bosch DACRs Refer to product documentation for modules line connection POTS Intellinet 7788 wireless communicator non Autocall units FACUs with TCP IP communicators such as the DSC TL300 UL and ULC listed or the Bosch C900V2 UL listed only link 6 ft 1.8 m cable supplied with A190 5051 2 S4190 0028 Rev 2 11 2021 DACR Interface Option selection Equipment and specifications may vary due to equipment design changes 3 Compatible TrueSite hardware products Workstation Annunciator for use as an annunciator under the following UL 864 Control Units and Accessories for Fire Alarm Systems UL 2572 Control and Communication Units for Mass Notification Systems UL 1076 Proprietary Burglar Alarm Units and Systems UL 1610 Central Station Burglar Alarm Units for use as UL 864 UUKL Firefighter Smoke Control Station Workstation Supervising Station Control Unit for use as a Supervising Station Control Unit under UL 864 Reports and logs events To add an event printer refer to AC4190 0020 for more details for use as the following UL 2572 Supervising Station Control Unit for Mass Notification Systems UL 1076 Proprietary Burglar Alarm Multiplex Receiving Unit UL 1610 Central Station Burglar Alarm Control Unit with listed DACR see Introduction for compatibility Incident Commander Annunciator for use as an annunciator under the following UL 864 and ULC S527 Control Units and Accessories for Fire Alarm Systems UL 2572 Control and Communication Units for Mass Notification Systems UL 1076 Proprietary Burglar Alarm Units and Systems UL 1610 Central Station Burglar Alarm Units for use as UL 864 UUKL Firefighter Smoke Control Station Incident Commander Supervising Station Control Unit for use as a Supervising Station Control Unit under UL 864 The unit reports and logs events add an optional event printer refer to AC4190 0020 for more details If you use a DACR for a UL 864 select the Bosch D6600 with CID format for use as the following UL2572 Supervising Station Control Unit for Mass Notification Systems UL 1076 Proprietary Burglar Alarm Multiplex Receiving Unit UL 1610 Central Station Burglar Alarm Control Unit with listed DACR Refer to TrueSite hardware datasheets for additional information reference Incident Commander 4 Additional product reference 3 S4190 0028 Rev 2 11 2021 2021 Johnson Controls All rights reserved All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision and are subject to change without notice Additional listings may applicable contact your local Autocall product supplier for the latest status Listings and approvals under Tyco Fire Security GmbH and the product names listed in this material are marks or marks Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited NFPA 72 and National Fire Alarm Code are registered trademarks of the National Fire Protection Association NFPA S4190 0028 Rev 2 11 2021