Autocall USA Catalog - 2 Page Spread Format

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AUTOC ALL PRODUC T 2021 PRODUCT CATALOG 2021 USA Voice Alarm Communications with ES Touchscreen Display Equipment DING SOLUTIONS UN ITS 4100ES Fire Control Unit mounted annunciation modules Accessories Modules Accessories Battery Brackets Clock Interface 4100ES MINIPLEX Transponders Annunciator Panels Command Center Upgrade Kits 4100ES Release Control System System Integrator NSI Annunciator Panels for ES Network ES Net Accessories SDACT SCU and RCU Battery Cabinet with Charger 4009 IDNet NAC Extender 4009 IDNAC Repeater to VESDA Air Aspiration Detectors Alarm System Remote Printer 4010ES Fire Control Units Conventional North America 4010ES Release Control System North America 4010ES Fire Control Units 4010ES Fire Control Units Conventional International 4010ES Release Control System International 4010ES Fire Control Units International 4007ES Fire Control Unit Hybrid 4007ES Fire Control Units 4007ES Release Control System 4100ES Remote Annunciator Panels NEEDED 8 8 E T WOR K S AN D WOR K S TATIONS Net Network Applications Workstations Incident Commander Ethernet Portal Modules ITIATING DEVICE S Addressable Analog Smoke and Heat Sensing Devices Addressable Peripheral Accessories II Addressable Input Output Devices Smoke Detectors Beam and Duct Detectors Detectors Manual Stations Guards for Detectors and Manual Stations Technology Addressable Devices 8 ATION APPL IANCE S ES Addressable Horns Strobes and Horn Strobes ES Addressable Speaker and Speaker Strobes ES Addressable Multi Tone Horns and Chimes ES LED Addressable Horns Strobes and Horn Strobes Addressable Horns Strobes and Horn Strobes Non Addressable Speaker Addressable Strobes Addressable Modules Non Addressable Horns Strobes and Horn Strobes Non Addressable Multi Tone Horns and Chimes Non Addressable Speakers and Speaker Strobes Messaging Speakers and Amplifiers Encompass System 4 Notification Bells Beacons Horns and Strobes Speakers and Speakers Strobes business depends on that comprehensive easy to manage We help businesses of all from strip malls to high protect employees assets and property fire are among the complex and demanding for fire protection Autocall solutions help keep students faculty and safe around the clock minimizing disruption and facilities airports and rail stations trucking and shipping are busy high risk environments You need fire detection that bring order help ensure the health safety of travelers and while protecting property and assets and shopping malls to respond swiftly and in a fire emergency guiding customers and to safety protecting and helping work effectively solutions can help keep retail environment safe business thrives when are relaxed comfortable free to enjoy your services can help you maintain atmosphere by delivering fire detection that to manage and non to guests understand the needs industrial organizations those handling or flammable We offer all the to deliver a customized that maximizes safety of your high risk environment Pro SMART CHOICE MATTER WHAT ROLE it comes to fire detection systems choice is more important than your fire control units They are the nerve of any fire detection system critical only for their ability to help save lives also to deliver value over time With right choice you have a fire detection that makes everyone job easier and be expanded and enhanced over time to changing needs many facilities the right choice Autocall Autocall control units are to deliver industry leading reliability and long term value support a broad range of industry and facility requirements enabling to get a comprehensive tailored fire solution for every installation Autocall control units offer innovative that can make them easier to install and maintain INTELLIGENCE BEHIND THE MOST FIRE DETECTION SYSTEMS UNITS AND WORKSTATIONS SUIT EVERY FACILITY units form the heart of Autocall fire systems supporting individual and control of detection and devices across facilities They also operator access and management via workstations cloud based web or mobile devices UNITS THAT COMPROMISE of innovation and experience are packed into Autocall control unit delivering advanced features technologies that add up to superior value and total cost of ownership ESSAB ILIT Y Autocall control units detection products and notification are addressable intelligent devices Addressability allows and more efficient wire runs which can lower installation overall project costs Addressability also means each device is supervised for malfunction or failure and you can tailor settings for each device from the control unit AR DESIG N control units are based on a modular architecture that them to be custom configured to each facility specifications capacity requirements In addition Autocall 4100ES control units custom built so they arrive assembled and ready to connect INTER FACE you working with your Autocall system via an intuitive display the PC based TrueSite Workstation command or the TrueSite Mobile Client app it easy to access information reports and perform a variety of operations R ATION WITH BUILDING SYS TEMS can integrate Autocall control units with building management and security systems to share information and help centralize control With support for popular communication protocols such BACnet and Modbus Autocall enables you to mount a coordinated to a fire emergency linking the fire detection system with elevators holders smoke dampers air pressurization systems and more E PROOFING UPG R ADE AB ILIT Y systems are engineered to provide a migration path to future and features making upgrades and expansions fast and easy EGUL ATORY COMPLIANCE can be confident that Autocall control units comply industy and jurisdictional codes illustrative purposes only Does not depict actual system configuration workstation serverbuilding 3detectiondetectionbuilding 1notificationnotificationnotificationdetectionbuilding 2notificationnotificationdetectionbuilding 5notification building 4notificationnotificationdetectiontruesite workstation client firealarmresources com 0 ES FIR E CONTROL UNIT Addressable Fire Detection Control Basic Panel Modules and Accessories fully networkable 4100ES supports up to 3,000 points and is designed to the complex requirements of medium large facilities and multi building networks It features addressable technology scalable design flexibility notification audio capability and is listed for multi hazard suppression release An optional touchscreen display includes an intuitive interface that provides wealth of informat