DSC No Activity Arming PC1616 1832 1864 V4 2

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Notes No Activity Auto Arming PC1616 1832 1864 V4.2 SERIES PC1616 1832 1864 V4.2 No Activity Arming Timer will begin when a delay type zone is restored The No Activity Timer is if any zone is tripped or restored The timer will only restart when a delay type zone is restored the No Activity Arming Timer expires the panel will sound the buzzers of all keypads assigned to the for the No Activity Arming Pre Alert Duration If any key is pressed or zone is violated restored on partition the Auto arm will be aborted No Activity Arming is a three step process Auto Arming No Activity Arming Timer No Activity Arming Pre Alert Duration Optional Sections Master Code 2 191 198 190 Auto Arming Activity Arming Timer Activity Arming Pre Alert Duration Optional 1 Enable Auto Arming on a Partition Keypad 6 followed by the Master Code 6 short beeps should be heard on the keypad and you should be User Functions Press 2 6 short beeps should be heard on the keypad as Auto Arming is now enabled 2 No Activity Arming Timer 8 Installer Programming the No Activity Arming Timer in Section 191 198 for Partitions 1 8 3 Optional No Activity Arming Pre Alert Duration the No Activity Arming Pre Alert duration in Section 190 The Default is 001 minute Tips Ensure Auto Arming 6 Master Code 2 is enabled on each partition keypad you wish to have Activity Auto Armed Ensure no zone s are being violated after the delay zones start the No Activity Arming timer Test all zones except a delay zone Violate and restore the delay zone and wait for the No Activity Timer expire The partition should start the No Activity Arming Pre Alert Page 39

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