DSC Power864 - Program Partitions 864 rev 005

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Name dsc-power864-program-partitions-864-rev-005-9487153062.pdf
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Configuring Partitions Power864 partitions is a two step process Enable partition 2 8 Assign zones to partition 1 8 Sections 2 8 Enable 201 1 Zone Assignment 202 209 2 Zone Assignment 210 217 218 225 3 Zone Assignment 226 233 Partition 4 Zone Assignment 234 241 5 Zone Assignment 241 249 Partition 6 Zone Assignment 250 257 7 Zone Assignment 8 Zone Assignment 258 265 201 Partitions 2 8 1 Partition 2 8 Enable enable Partitions 2 to 8 turn ON the appropriate Option in Section 201 2 Partition 1 8 Zone Enable default the first 8 zones are enabled on partition 1 If zones 9 to 64 are being used the zones be enable before they will operate To enable a zone in a partition turn ON the appropriate in the correct Section Zones assigned to multiple partitions are called zones These zones will 1 zones 1 to 64 enable disable 2 zones 1 to 64 enable disable 3 zones 1 to 64 enable disable 4 zones 1 to 64 enable disable 5 zones 1 to 64 enable disable 6 zones 1 to 64 enable disable 7 zones 1 to 64 enable disable 8 zones 1 to 64 enable disable 202 209 210 217 218 225 226 233 234 241 242 249 250 257 258 265 be armed if all the partitions they are assigned to are armed zones 1 8 are not being used on partition 1 they must be disabled in Section Tips At default zones 1 to 8 are assigned to partition 1 If zones 1 8 are not being used on 1 they must be disabled in Section 202 To see if zones on another partition are functioning properly a keypad must be loaned or to that partition A keypad assigned or loaned to another partition will not function no keypad beeps no arm or zone lights unless that partition is enabled a zone does not go into alarm it may be assigned to multiple partitions Test each zone and ensure each is displayed on the correct partition keypad Common zones display on all partition keypads they are assigned to

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