DSC WLS904L-433 - Installation Manual - English - French - Spanish - Wireless Passive Infrared Motion Detector

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WLS904L 433 Installation Instructions d WLS904L 433 de Instalaci WLS904L 433 detector conjunction with pets onto the detector WLS904L motion detector should be located so that it provides optimal coverage of the intended area Refer to Changing Motion Detector below for information on the four lenses available for the WLS904L Motion Detector the Detector locating motion detectors observe the following for Wall to Wall Corridor and Curtain Lenses the mounting height should be 6 10 ft 2 3m the floor The nominal mounting height is 7.5 ft 2.3m For the Pet Alley Lens only the mounting height should be 4 5 ft 1.2 1.5m from the the following to avoid false alarms Do not aim the detector at a stairwell to which a pet has access Do not place furniture or objects higher than 3ft 0.9m which a pet can climb onto e g a cat on a couch closer than 6ft 1.8m from Mount the detector flat on a wall or in a corner Do not angle it downwards or use mounting brackets with this detector when it is used Do not aim the detector at reflective surfaces such as mirrors or windows as this may distort the coverage pattern or reflect sunlight Avoid locations that are subject to direct high air flow such as near an air duct outlet Do not locate the detector near sources of moisture such as steam or oil Do not limit the coverage by large obstructions in the detection area such as plants or cabinets For indoor use only a location has been determined remove the plastic from the mounting holes and locate the backplate on the wall and mark screw locations is suggested that wall anchors be used for all screw locations Secure the backplate to the wall then secure the enrolled detector to its backplate No detector should be mounted without first performing a module placement test to determine that it is in range of the wireless See the Placement Test instructions in the Instruction Sheet for your receiver or in the Installation Manual for your system a location has been selected remove the plastic from the mounting holes and locate the backplate on the wall and mark screw It is suggested that wall anchors be used for all screw locations Secure the backplate to the wall and then secure the enrolled to its backplate Use only backplates marked as Using any other backplates will result in the tamper switch being broken The coils and antenna on the WLS904L circuit board are very sensitive components precisely adjusted for maximum per Do not touch the coils or antenna Even minor distortions can affect the performance of the motion detector a WLS904L the back of the PIR housing there will be two serial numbers a 5 digit number and a 6 digit number Please refer to your receiver Installation for information on which serial number should be enrolled Motion Detector Lenses motion detector is supplied with the Wall to Wall lens three additional lenses are available for the WLS904L motion detector The charts on following page illustrate the range and coverage patterns of each lens change the lens first open the motion detector by removing the screw in the bottom of the battery compartment With the screw removed pull the of the detector away from the front case Remove the lens holder by pressing down on the top of the holder and pulling the holder away from case When installing the new lens ensure the grooved surface faces the interior of the case and the notches on the lens face the bottom of the Replace the lens holder by snapping it back into place Reassemble the motion detector by first engaging the clips on the bottom of the case the case and then secure the case with the screw in the bottom of the battery compartment the Motion Detector Sensitivity motion detector features Fast and Slow detection modes which are set on jumper J1 Jumper J1 is set at the factory for the Fast detection mode a normal operating environment this setting provides the best detection certain environments where rapid air movement heaters and other variables present problems use Slow detection mode to stabilize the detec Jumper is located in the bottom right corner of the circuit board To change the setting from Fast to Slow move the jumper over one pin shown in Figure 4 Traffic Shutdown Mode prolong battery life the motion detector uses a feature called High Traffic Shutdown When motion is detected the device will transmit to the and will then shut down for three minutes If motion is detected again during the shutdown time the unit will not transmit the event to receiver The detector will thus remain in the shutdown mode until three minutes after the first motion detected was transmitted The detector transmit detected motion every three minutes The High Traffic Shutdown Mode affects testing the motion detector in two ways performing the module placement test the unit must be tampered by removing the unit from the backplate and replacing it The placement cannot be performed by creating motion in front of the device performing a system test the unit must be left idle for three minutes before testing can be performed Once three minutes has passed create in front of the detector to see if the device is both detecting motion and transmitting to the receiver Refer to the PC5132 or the System Installation Instructions for UL ULC requirements For UL ULC installations where the is used on entry or exit delay zones the entry delay must not be longer than 39 seconds and the exit delay must not be than 54 seconds Detector Transmission Delay motion detector transmission is always delayed by 6 seconds This is necessary to prevent false alarms caused by a motion sensor transmitting a delay zone has a chance to report This 6 second delay cannot be altered or disabled Test Mode motion detector has a walk test mode which will activate an LED for testing purposes During normal operation the LED will not turn on To put detector in walk test mode create a tamper by removing the detector from its backplate and then replacing it Each time the detector senses it will flash the red LED Five seconds after motion is detected the detector will send a signal to the receiver and the LED will flash rapidly 5 The detector will be in walk test mode until it has sent 10 transmissions test for catch performance of humans create motion in the entire area where coverage is desired by walking perpendicular to the lens pattern the coverage be incomplete readjust or relocate the detector The Walk Test Mode will override the High Traffic Shutdown Mode d de mouvement doit install de mani offrir la couverture optimale de l d Pour des renseignements sur les lentilles disponibles pour le d de mouvement WLS904 consultez Changement de lentilles pour d de mouvement ci du d les lentilles mur mur couloir et rideau le dispositif doit install une hauteur de 2 3 m 6 10 pieds du sol La hauteur nominale pour du dispositif est de 2,3 m 7,5 pieds Pour la lentille all pour animaux domestiques seulement le dispositif doit install une hau de 1,2 1,5 m 4 5 pieds un emplacement qui offrira la couverture requise et permettra au d d install une hauteur minimum de 1,95m 6,5 pi et de 3m 10 pi 2,3 m 7,5 pi recommand Tenez compte des suivants pour les fausses alarmes Ne placez pas le d face un escalier auquel un animal domestique a acc Ne placez pas de meuble ou d objet d une hauteur de plus de 0,9 m 3 pi sur lequel un animal domestique peut grimper par ex un chat un sofa moins de 1.8 m 6 pi du d Installez le d plat sur un mur ou dans un coin Ne l inclinez pas vers le bas et n utilisez pas de support de montage lorsque ce est utilis et que des animaux domestiques sont pr Ne placez pas le d en face de surfaces r telles que des miroirs ou des fen car elles pourraient d le dia de rayonnement ou r la lumi solaire directement sur le d les emplacements o le d pourrait expos un courant d air intense comme une sortie de gaine de circulation d air Ne placez pas le d pr de sources d humidit telles que de la vapeur d eau ou d huile Ne limitez pas la couverture en pla des objets importants dans la zone de d telles que des plantes ou des armoires Pour utilisation int seulement N installez d aucun d avant d avoir fait un essai de placement de module pour d s il se trouve dans

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