EST 270781 R1[1] 0 LSRA and LSRA-C Installation Operation Maintenance and Configuration Manual

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270781 24SEPTEMBER97 Operation Maintenance Configuration Manual BY NOTICE INFORMATION Systems Technology Parkland Drive FL 34243 739 4300 1997 Edwards Systems Technology Inc manual and the products it describes are copyrighted by Systems Technology Inc EST You may not reproduce transcribe or transmit any part of this manual without written permission from EST manual contains proprietary information intended for distribution authorized persons or companies for the sole purpose of business with Edwards Systems Technology Inc If you any information contained in this manual to unauthorized you have violated all distributor agreements and we may legal action manual was designed and written by the EST Technical Documentation Department Sarasota last revisions to this manual were made 24SEPTEMBER97 1 2 3 4 5 6 A Z 1 1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 Installation 3.3 and FCC Field Wiring 3.4 Field Wiring 3.9 Configuration 3.13 4.1 4.2 Installation 4.3 the LSRA Configuration Program 4.4 Descriptions and Specifications 4.23 Commands 4.28 Report Template 4.29 Configuration Program Files 4.30 to PC Connections 4.32 Utility Program Template 4.33 Programming 4.38 Operation 5.1 Operations 5.2 and Troubleshooting 6.1 Reporting 6.2 A 1 Installation Operation Maintenance and Configuration Manual Information of liability content of this manual is proprietary in nature and is intended for distribution to authorized persons companies distributors others for the sole purpose of conducting business associated Edwards Systems Technology Inc The distribution of contained within this manual to unauthorized persons shall a violation of any distributor agreements and may result in of legal proceedings product has been designed to meet the requirements of NFPA 72 1996 Edition Underwriters Laboratories Inc Standard 7th Edition and Underwriters Laboratories of Canada Inc ULC S527 Installation in accordance with this manual codes and the instructions of the Authority Having is mandatory EST Inc shall not under any circumstances liable for any incidental or consequential damages arising from loss property or other damages or losses owing to the failure of EST Inc beyond the cost of repair or replacement of any defective EST Inc reserves the right to make product improvements change product specifications at any time every precaution has been taken during the preparation of this to ensure the accuracy of its contents EST assumes no for errors or omissions warning equipment can generate and radiate radio frequency energy If this is not installed in accordance with this manual it may cause to radio communications This equipment has been tested found to comply within the limits for Class A computing devices to Subpart B of Part 15 of the FCC Rules These rules are to provide reasonable protection against such interference this equipment is operated in a commercial environment of this equipment is likely to cause interference in which the user at his own expense is required to take whatever measures be required to correct the interference Installation Operation Maintenance and Configuration Manual history Installation Operation Maintenance Configuration Manual P N 270781 Status For Change Release Installation Operation Maintenance and Configuration Manual Notation Conventions this document the following conventions are used to make between various text elements It is understood that every in a source file ends with ENTER which will be omitted from this unless required for clarity for commands options switches and literal portions of which must appear exactly as shown for filenames variables and place holders that represent which must be supplied by the user Italics are also used for emphasis in text programs user input and screen output are set in courier face for keys key sequences and acronyms plus indicates a combination of keys i e CTRL E means hold the CTRL key while pressing the E key comma indicates a sequence of keys i e ALT F2 means press release the ALT key then press and release the F2 key brackets indicate required data entry Text of this sort not be entered verbatim brackets indicate items are optional and a vertical bar indicate a choice between two or more You must select an item unless double square brackets the braces horizontal ellipsis indicates the preceding item or sequence having the same form may appear again vertical ellipsis indicates some portion of the text has been omitted CAPS Installation Operation Maintenance and Configuration Manual This Manual manual was created to assist Architects Specifying Engineers EST distributors in designing and installing the LSRA and LSRA Life Safety Remote Annunciator order to provide timely applications drawings that show detailed to specific project requirements EST continually adds new information to this manual Comments taken from our classes reports of technical support phone calls and field trips installation sites determine the types of information that is included revisions You are encouraged to contact your representative with suggestions regarding this manual Installation Operation Maintenance and Configuration Manual System Library LSRA C can be used in conjunction with a number of EST Information on the configuration and operation of these systems may be found in the documentation listed below Hardware Technical Reference P N 2500100 1 The Network Technical Reference provides an individual with a fire alarm the information required to design install operate and an IRC 3 network System Programming Manual P N 2500100 2 IRC 3 System Manual provides an IRC 3 certified individual the required to program an IRC 3 network and related Multi Line Network Installation Operation and Maintenance P N 387007 The FCC Multi Line Network Installation and Maintenance Manual provides an individual with a fire background the information required to design install operate service an FCC network Multi Line Network Network Configuration Manual P N 38708 FCC Multi Line Network Network Configuration Manual an FCC certified individual the information required to an FCC network Installation Operation Maintenance and Configuration Manual 270116 The LSS4 Installation Operation Maintenance and Manual provides an individual with a fire alarm the information required to design install program and service an LSS4 system Installation Operation Maintenance and Configuration Manual Documentation Fire Protection Association NFPA Batterymarch Park Box 9101 MA 02269 9101 Electric Code Fire Alarm Code Laboratories Inc ULI Pfingsten Road IL 60062 2096 Actuated Signaling Boxes Detectors Single Multiple Station Closers Holders for Fire Protective Signaling Systems Detectors for Fire Protective Signaling Systems Detectors for Duct Applications Indicators for Fire Protective Signaling Systems Signaling Appliances Detectors for Fire Protective Signaling Systems for Control Units for Fire Protective Signaling Systems Supplies f

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