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1998 14026 STATEMENT A Approved for public release distribution is unlimited the words and are used sparingly in this course to communication are not to be gender driven or to affront or against anyone STATEMENT A Approved for public release distribution is unlimited enrolling in this self study course you have demonstrated a desire to improve yourself and the Navy however this self study course is only one part of the total Navy training program Practical schools selected reading and your desire to succeed are also necessary to successfully round a fully meaningful training program COURSE This self study course is organized into subject matter areas each containing learning to help you determine what you should learn along with text and illustrations to help you the information The subject matter reflects day to day requirements and experiences of in the rating or skill area It also reflects guidance provided by Enlisted Community Managers and other senior personnel technical references instructions etc and either the occupational or standards which are listed in the Manual of Navy Enlisted Manpower Personnel Classifications Occupational Standards NAVPERS 18068 QUESTIONS The questions that appear in this course are designed to help you understand the in the text In completing this course you will improve your military and professional knowledge it can also help you study for the Navy wide advancement in rate examination If you are and discover a reference in the text to another publication for further information look it up Edition Prepared by Jose Vicente P Ferriols by EDUCATION AND TRAINING DEVELOPMENT TECHNOLOGY CENTER Logistics Tracking Number Creed am a United States Sailor will support and defend the of the United States of and I will obey the orders those appointed over me represent the fighting spirit of the and those who have gone me to defend freedom and around the world proudly serve my country Navy team with honor courage commitment am committed to excellence and fair treatment of all Construction Support Drawings and Specifications 2 1 3 1 Power Generation Power Distribution 4 1 Interior Wiring 5 1 Communications and Lighting 6 1 Electrical Appliances Test Equipment Motors and 7 1 Glossary AI 1 AII 1 Metric Conversion Tables AIII 1 Formulas AIV 1 Hand Signals References Used to Develop the TRAMAN AV 1 N D E X I N D E X 1 TRAINING COURSE follows the index OF THE ELECTRICIAN SERIES ELECTRICIAN BASIC training manual TRAMAN replaces Construction Electrician 3 and be studied by those seeking advancement to Construction Electrician Third ELECTRICIAN INTERMEDIATE TRAMAN when published refer to NAVEDTRA 12061 for availability replace Construction Electrician 3 2 and should be studied by those seeking to Construction Electrician Second Class Topics in this book will be a of information covered in the Construction Electrician Basic ELECTRICIAN ADVANCED TRAMAN when published refer to NAVEDTRA 12061 for availability replace Construction Electrician 1 and should be studied by those seeking to Construction Electrician First Class Topics in this book will be a of information covered in the Construction Electrician Intermediate FOR TAKING THE COURSE To via the Internet go to your assignment by Mail When you submit answer by mail send all of your assignments at time Do NOT submit individual answer for grading Mail all of your assignments an envelope which you either provide or obtain from your nearest Educational Officer ESO Submit answer sheets OFFICER N331 SAUFLEY FIELD ROAD FL 32559 5000 Sheets All courses one answer sheet for each assignment answer sheets are preprinted with your name assignment number and course Explanations for completing the answer are on the answer sheet original answer sheets not use answer sheet reproductions Use we reproductions will not work with our equipment and cannot be processed marking your on the answer sheet Be sure that blocks 2 and 3 are filled correctly This is necessary for your course to be processed and for you to receive credit your work TIME must be completed within 12 months the date of enrollment This includes time to resubmit failed assignments text pages that you are to study are listed at beginning of each assignment Study these carefully before attempting to answer the Pay close attention to tables and and read the learning objectives learning objectives state what you should be to do after studying the material Answering questions correctly helps you accomplish the YOUR ANSWERS each question carefully then select the answer You may refer freely to the text answers must be the result of your own and decisions You are prohibited from to or copying the answers of others and giving answers to anyone else taking the YOUR ASSIGNMENTS have your assignments graded you must be in the course with the Nonresident Course Administration Branch at the Education and Training Professional Following enrollment there are ways of having your assignments graded use the Internet to submit your assignments you complete them or 2 send all the at one time by mail to NETPDTC on the Internet Advantages to grading are you may submit your answers as soon as complete an assignment and you get your results faster usually by the working day approximately 24 hours addition to receiving grade results for each you will receive course completion once you have completed all the ASSIGNMENT PROCEDURES subject matter questions your overall course score is 3.2 or higher you pass the course and will not be required to assignments Once your assignments been graded you will receive course confirmation you receive less than a 3.2 on any assignment your overall course score is below 3.2 you be given the opportunity to resubmit failed You may only once Internet students will notification when they have failed an may resubmit failed on the web site Internet students view and print from the web site Students who by mail will receive a failing result letter a new answer sheet for resubmission of each assignment CONFIRMATION successfully completing this course you receive a letter of completion are used to correct minor errors or delete information in a course Errata may be used to provide instructions to the If a course has an errata it will be as the first page s after the front cover