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firealarmresources comT document has been reproduced directly from the best available copy to DOE and DOE contractors from the Office of Scientific and Information P O Box 62 Oak Ridge TN 37831 423 576 8401 to the public from the U S Department of Commerce Technology National Technical Information Service Springfield VA 703 487 4650 No DE98001290 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ELECTRICAL PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE GROUNDING SPECIAL OCCUPANCIES REQUIREMENTS FOR SPECIFIC EQUIPMENT WORK IN EXCESS OF 600 VOLTS TEMPORARY WIRING ENCLOSED ELECTRICAL ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT AND DEVELOPMENT A DOE MODEL ELECTRICAL SAFETY PROGRAM B ACRONYMS AND DEFINITIONS C WORK MATRICES EXAMPLES D REGULATION MATRICES E FUTURE CHAPTERS page left blank intentionally This Department of Energy DOE Handbook is approved for use by the Office of Environment Safety and Health and is available to all DOE components and their contractors Specific comments recommendations additions deletions and any pertinent data to enhance this document should be sent to Tran of Environment Safety and Health of Worker Safety and Health Building S Department of Energy Germantown Road MD 20874 1290 The DOE Electrical Safety Handbook replaces the DOE Electrical Safety Guidelines that was originally issued in 1993 DOE handbooks are part of the DOE directives system and are issued to provide supplemental information regarding the Department cid 213 s expectations for fulfilling its requirements as contained in rules Orders notices and regulatory standards The handbooks may also provide acceptable methods for implementing these requirements Handbooks are not substitutes for requirements nor do they replace technical standards that are used to describe established practices and procedures for implementing requirements This document contains DOE developed explanatory material in support of OSHA regulations and nationally recognized electrical safety related standards and other information This document was revised to include electrical safety for enclosed electrical and electronic equipment research and development and the latest editions of 29CFR 1910 and 1926 National Electrical Code National Electrical Safety Code and National Fire Protection Association 70E as of September 1997 Topics that are being considered for future development and inclusion in the next update of this document are included in Appendix E page left blank intentionally INTRODUCTION 1 1 PURPOSE 1 1 SCOPE 1 1 AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION AHJ 1 2 page left blank intentionally INTRODUCTION PURPOSE Safety Handbook presents the Department of Energy DOE safety standards for DOE offices or facilities involved in the use of electrical energy It has been prepared to provide a set of electrical safety guidance and information for DOE installations to effect a reduction elimination of risks associated with the use of electrical energy The objectives of this handbook to enhance electrical safety awareness and mitigate electrical hazards to employees the public the environment SCOPE handbook provides general information to enhance understanding of DOE Orders national national standards local state and federal regulations This handbook shall not supersede stringent requirements in those applicable codes standards and regulations entity should reference its contract documents and determine what legal requirements are to be in the area of electrical safety These requirments may vary from locaction to location In document refers to requirements from regulatory standards such as OSHA and relevant Orders that may or may not apply to your specific location refers to guidance from standards such as the National Electrical Code NFPA 70 National Electrical Safety NESC ANSI C2 and Electrical Safety Requirements for Employee Workplaces NFPA which may or may not apply to your specific location depending upon your contractual No section or portion of this document is intended to stand alone Each section or interacts with others that are appropriate to support referenced material design of new facilities shall conform to relevant DOE Orders and should conform to industry engineering design standards Existing facilities should evaluate their systems and in relation to this handbook applicable DOE Orders national codes national standards state and federal regulations to determine if they comply or if a safety problem exists If the determines that a safety risk exists corrective actions should be initiated to bring the or operations into compliance with current standards In the case of a major renovation of existing facility the modification shall comply with current standards facilities shall conform to relevant DOE Orders and should comply with the National Code NFPA70 National Electrical Safety Code NESC ANSI C2 and Electrical Requirements for Employee Workplaces NFPA 70E The OSHA standards have specific that shall apply to all electrical installations and utilization equipment regardless of they were designed or installed and identify other mandatory provisions and specify effective Installations in compliance with the code at the time of design or installation code of record not need to be upgraded to the updated code unless required to correct a known hazard or a major is being performed handbook is being provided to identify those DOE Orders national codes national standards state and federal regulations that will provide employees with guidance on requirements to electrical systems It is the responsibility of each site to evaluate compliance with the requirements HAVING JURISDICTION AHJ states and municipalities an official electrical inspector engineer or equivalent qualified is usually designated as the electrical Authority Having Jurisdiction AHJ The AHJ possess such executive ability as is required for performance of the position and should have knowledge of standard materials and work practices used in the installation operation and maintenance of electrical equipment The AHJ should through experience or be knowledgeable of the requirements contained in the OSHA standards the National Code the National Electrical Safety Code DOE requirements and other appropriate local and national standards The AHJ should be responsible to interpret codes regulations and and approve equipment assemblies or materials If the AHJ needs to address items their electrical expertise such as fire confined space fall protection or like issues the AHJ consult with cognizant experts before a decision is reached The AHJ may permit alternate where it is assured that equivalent objectives can be achieved by establishing and effective safety equal to or exceeding established codes regulations and standards DOE levels of authority exist that serve the function of the AHJ The AHJ may be the contracting such as an area manager This person may choose to delegate authority to an individual or within his or her control The authority may reside with a safety or facilities department field office manager or designated representative may act as a higher level of authority The may begin with an electrician and proceed through various levels of supervision to as shown in Fig 1 1 contractors should establish lines of authority within their organizations It is impor