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PREFACE The Army Institute for Professional Development AIPD administers the Army Correspondence Course Program ACCP which provides high economical training to its users The AIPD is accredited by the of the Distance Education and Training Council DETC the nationally accrediting agency for correspondence institutions Accreditation is a process that gives public recognition to educational which meet published standards of quality The DETC has developed and careful evaluation system to assure that institutions meet of and administrative excellence before it awards accreditation The many TRADOC service schools and DOD agencies that produce the ACCP administered by the AIPD develop them to the DETC standards The AIPD is also a charter member of the Interservice Correspondence ICE The ICE brings together representatives from the Army Navy Marine Corps and Coast Guard to meet and share ideas on improving education publication was printed on recycled paper INTRODUCTION Properly designed and operated are vital to a modern installation They are in safeguarding health comfort and promoting the efficiency of all personnel As an engineer officer you may be the job of directing some of utilities work To do this you must understand the general phases of utilities That is the purpose of subcourse It is planned to you basic knowledge in utilities installation and operation Since much of the operation and of utilities are by engineer service teams detachments information is also on these organizations and function This subcourse consists of seven and an examination as Lesson 1 Organization and of Utilities Engineer Teams 2 Electric Power Systems 3 Refrigeration Systems 4 Water Supply and Systems 5 Plumbing Installations Bills of Materials 6 Sewerage Systems 7 Rehabilitation of You will not be limited as to the of hours you may spend in the of the subcourse any or the examination Twenty credit hours are allowed this subcourse The format of this subcourse has changed to facilitate student and to eliminate the of submitting to the each lesson answer sheet for Each lesson in this is followed by a number of and exercises designed for review of that lesson After study of the lesson you answer these questions in the provided below each then turn the back of the subcourse booklet the correct answers have been A comparison of your with those given in the back the subcourse will indicate your and understanding of the presented IMPORTANT NOTICE THE PASSING SCORE FOR ALL ACCP MATERIAL IS NOW 70 PLEASE DISREGARD ALL REFERENCES TO THE 75 REQUIREMENT i 1 AND FUNCTIONS OF ENGINEER SERVICE TEAMS HOURS 1 ASSIGNMENT Attached memorandum REQUIRED None OBJECTIVE Upon completion of this lesson on Engineer Service Teams you should be able to accom plish the following in the indicated topic areas Purpose State in general terms the purpose and functions of the utilities service teams Characteristics Give the five general characteristics which would be to all utilities engineer service teams Assignment Explain the various methods of team assignment and the for team support Capabilities By reference to the textual material provided explain the of each team including qualification of personnel assigned and items of equipment Team selection Select the appropriate team for a specific requirement MEMORANDUM fall into the following eight a Administrative and headquarters b Firefighting c Equipment operating d Construction utilities and power e Topographic and intelligence f Dredging g Engineer civic action h Engineer combat support INTRODUCTION Within the military utility services been specialized and organized into service teams The Engineer Organization provides cellular teams of varying sizes and capabilities for use when organizations are too large or meet the particular engineer needs the theater of operations The team provide variety and to permit the most efficient of manpower and equipment Teams may combined to form a composite platoon or depending on the nature and scope the mission Individual teams may be or assigned to an engineer unit to the unit capabilities or to a of another arm or service such as an Support Command to provide a required engineer capability CHARACTERISTICS Teams have the following a They comprise a group of individuals to work together as specialists in particular field b They may perform certain operations a unit comprise a specialized cadre which a larger organization is or act as individual inspectors or supervisors c Their equipment is generally to vehicles required to team personnel and materiel weapons and tools and supplies to their specialty d They are not self sufficient in such as administration shelter supply storage facilities signal and medical service For support they must rely on the to which they are attached e Some teams consist of only a handful specialists while others such as topographic and equipment operating are small scale replicas of larger units MISSION OF ENGINEER CELLULAR TEAMS a To provide engineer technical service and combat support where of less than company size are b To increase the capability of fixed units where increments of less company size are required These are designed to provide special and will be assigned in accordance the tactical and logistical involved c To provide command and personnel for engineer units d To provide advisory assistance to country forces and units in an defense and development environment ASSIGNMENT Teams may be attached or assigned as to fixed strength units or may be into a separate composite unit CAPABILITIES a The capabilities of an individual are listed in the discussion of that The capabilities of an engineer unit of several teams will vary the number and types of teams used b Most of these teams must be supply mess administrative medical signal and maintenance services These ordinarily provided by the fixed unit to which a team is assigned attached When applicable mess teams be drawn from the TOE 29 500 series maintenance teams from the TOE series and personnel services will provided by an AG personnel service unit a support team drawn therefrom A unit formed from two or more may be commanded and provided services by 1 Team AB headquarters separate to provide and equipment for the of an engineer platoon formed two or more teams of the TOE 5 500 or 2 team AC company to provide personnel and for the headquarters of a unit formed from two or more of the TOE 5 500 series c These teams are not adaptable to 2 or 3 strengths nor to a type B host country or allied nationals in some cases be used to supplement strength d Individuals of these teams can in effective coordinated defense of team area or installation or to the defense of the unit to assigned or attached BASIS OF ALLOCATION The allocation of teams depends on the support requirements Type alloca are indicated in the discussion of teams CATEGORY The category given each team is based on area of employment of the units to team is normally assigned reference Categories AR 320 5 Installs casings