Fike Micromist Suppression System W 1 01 01

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MICROMIST SUPPRESSION and Engineer Specification Water Mist Suppression System OPERATING PRINCIPLE is an outstanding fire suppression agent due to its heat capacity and latent heat of vaporization The Fike system nozzle uses a plate to slice the small jets water that flow through the nozzle orifice The resulting mist contains a variety of droplet sizes The larger produced by the nozzle provide the necessary en and momentum to carry the smaller droplets to the of the fire where the mist vaporizes and extinguishes fire The simple theory behind this development is that large amount of small droplets have a greater surface than the same volume of large droplets therefore ab more heat from the fire source mist systems extinguish fires using the following ba principles Cooling As the mist is converted into vapor it removes Inerting As the water mist turns to steam it expands 1700 times forcing oxygen away from flame front thus denying it the oxygen necessary support combustion localized inert environment Wetting Primarily for incidental class A fires wetting the surface helps extinguish the fire as well as it systems are designed and have been tested for in protecting flammable liquid Class B processes and combustible Class A materials Fike Micromist system has successfully passed the Fac Mutual fire test protocol for machinery spaces special machinery spaces and compartmentalized gas tur generators The system will very effectively extinguish liquid pool fires as well as spray fires which could from a ruptured hose or pipe in a process using flam liquids Micromist applications include but are not to the following compartmentalized gas turbine generators engine test cells generator rooms 2002 Issue Gallon Micromist System 73 010 DESCRIPTION Fike Micromist system is a self contained single fluid water mist fire suppression system for to compartment protection of machinery spaces and com gas turbine generators The Micromist sys employs a brass nozzle which has demonstrated ex performance extinguishing flammable liquid Class fire scenarios Each nozzle flows approximately 2.1 gal 8 liters min of water at 310 psi 21 Bar A single Fike system is capable of protecting areas up to 9175 260 m3 with a maximum ceiling height of 16 4.9m Micromist system is offered in 70 and 107 gallon 265 405 liter configurations Each system package is skid and includes all necessary valves and actuation for system operation System nozzles must ordered separately Each Micromist system package pre assembled and tested to ensure system reliability simplify installation S 10th Street P O Box 610 cid 127 Blue Springs Missouri 64013 0610 U S A cid 127 816 229 3405 cid 127 Fax 816 229 0314 cid 127 www fike com COMPONENTS Cheetah control panel is equipped to handle the inputs outputs required for operating the Micromist system Mutual Approved heat detectors shall be used in protected hazard to activate the Micromist system piping requirements for the Micromist system offer the of using galvanized pipe per ASTM A795 stain steel tubing or pipe as specified in NFPA 750 Due to low flow requirements of the Micromist nozzle it is not that the piping be balanced which improves sys flexibility Consult the Micromist Design Installation Maintenance Manual P N 06 153 for detailed piping Micromist system nozzles are constructed of brass and a nozzle screen to trap any debris that might be in system piping The nozzle utilizes a 15mm NPT and can be easily disassembled to or replace the screen J I 3000746 machinery spaces with incidental storage of flammable oil pumps lubrication skids oil reservoirs diesel emergency rooms fuel filters dipping electrostatic coating or cleaning processes gear boxes drive shafts engine drive generators chemical processes flammable or combustible liquid pumps piping or con under pressure such as may be used with hy pumping equipment flammable liquids OPERATION a fire condition is detected in the protected hazard Cheetah control panel sends a signal to the solenoid module SRM to operate the Micromist suppres system The Micromist system contains nitrogen and a water cylinder The nitrogen storage cyl provides pressure to drive the water to the system When the system is operated valves on the nitro tanks open and the resulting air pressure flows through pressure regulating valve PRV which regulates the pres to 320 psi 22 Bar This pressure drives the water the opened water valve and to the system nozzles Micromist system uses relatively short pulses of water cycling to aid in the extinguishment of fires as well as the property damage associated with a continu discharge System Nozzle Fike Corporation All rights reserved No previously D1147 are subject change without notice