Fike Shark Pro Pro Fire Alarm Panel D 1 01 01

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SHARK PRO PRO FIRE PANEL Listed S2203 LEVEL Approved 3014450 10 056 X X X 1 120 2 240Vac R Red G Gray 3 3 Zone Dialer 5 5 Zone Dialer and Engineer Specification Fike Shark Pro panel is a microprocessor based ana addressable fire panel manufactured by Fike Corpora in Blue Springs Missouri The Shark Pro panel brings reputation of building high quality and highly reliable panels to a fire alarm panel of service Alarm Evacuation Pre Action Deluge Off premise signaling 120Vac or 240Vac 50 60 Hz Amps of user power 17 Ah of standby batteries Line Circuit SLC SLC supports 198 intelligent devices 99 and 99 detectors One SLC standard expandable to two SLCs meets style 4 6 7 detector sensitivity testing in accor with NFPA 72 Drift compensation Walktest Drill function Alarm Sequence PAS Zone or 5 Zone Dialer Pro Remote Display SRD provides system annunciation and control interface not UL Listed graphics interface relay card adds up to 8 SPDT relays 2A 0.5a 110Vac Premise Signaling Reverse Polarity off premise transmission op Municipal tie off premise transmission feature Digital Alarm Communicator DACT optional Notification Appliance Circuits 1.5 A each Dedicated Alarm Trouble and Supervisory SPDT 30Vdc 2A 110Vac 0.5A One continuous 2.0A auxiliary power circuit One selectable 2.0A auxiliary power circuit or resettable Addressable technology software zones verification character backlit display with status LED to use PC configuration Learn mode decreases installation time Event History buffer feature provides advanced warning of fire Day Night and Weekend Holiday function auto adjusts detector sensitivity settings S 10th Street P O Box 610 cid 127 Blue Springs Missouri 64013 0610 U S A cid 127 816 229 3405 cid 127 Fax 816 229 0314 cid 127 2003 Issue www fike com Line Circuit SLC The Shark Pro panel comes with one SLC which supports up to 198 devices 99 and 99 modules The Shark Pro panel can be by adding a second SLC which supports an addi 198 devices giving a system total of 396 analog ad points The Shark Pro panel was designed to reduce time while providing the maximum in installation The separate power supply allows pre of the enclosure and high voltage wiring without the low voltage electronics Once the main control board is installed and connected to the SLC loop s the function identifies all devices present on the SLC and them to a default Due to the small size of the pre programming the unit may be easily accom using the Shark Tooth software Pre programming in decreases the amount of time needed at the job The Shark Tooth software runs on any Win 95 or higher machine and operates very similar to the Explorer type tree structure Using three simple a configuration window an upload download win and a history window interfacing with the Shark Pro is simple as driving a mouse There is no need to learn faceplate programming or complicated com menu structures The Shark Pro was designed to be cost effec easy to install and easy to use without sacrificing fea The Shark Pro supports drift compensation automatic sensitivity adjustment automatic testing per NFPA 72 and positive alarm sequence features often found only on a more expensive sys Pro Remote Display The optional Shark Pro Re Display provides full annunciation via an 80 character display It also provides user defined key lock pro control functions such as reset silence and acknowl Products detector detector Electric w heat detector Base Base base base module module Relay module Notification input module square input module conventional zone module duct detector duct detector w relays Temp Heat detector of Rise Heat detector Detector Base Sounder Base Pro Remote Display Interface not UL Listed Optional Modules polarity module relay module Pro Supplemental Loop Module Mounting Plates Square Mounting Plate holds 6 Mounting Plate up to 18 AH AH Battery Pack AH Battery Pack AH Battery Enclosure AH Battery Enclosure AH Battery Enclosure AH Battery Enclosure DACT Fike Corporation All rights reserved No are subject change without notice