FikeGuard Voice Evac System B9096

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VOICE EVACUATION ACCESSORIES GUARD IS COVERING ALL VOICE EVACUATION NEEDS EVACUATION SYSTEM GUARD COVERING ALL VOICE EVACUATION Remote Microphone 25 50 100 200 Line Up to 5,000 ft from Panel Up to 5 remote microphones supervised line Dead Front Construction Cabinet Semi Flush or Surface 8 x 10 x 2.75 FG 2ZA Splitter 4 Speaker Circuits Class B FG 4Z 2 Class A Speaker Circuits FG 2ZA Built In Zone Switches All Call Automatic General Alarm Zones Selectable when Alarm Field Selectable Alarm Zoning LEDs Indicate Zones Selected Trouble by Zone Mount up to 8 Zones within the FIKEGUARD 25 50 100 16 Zones within the FIKEGUARD 200 Cabinet Custom configurations available please consult factory Fike for more information about our other product offerings Protection Systems Special Hazard Fire Protection Systems TM ECARO 25 TM HFC 227ea Detection and Control Systems Cheetah Shark and SHP Relief Products Field Products Protection Systems Fire Protection Systems CO2 Explosion Protection Systems Suppression Isolation Testing global manufacturing sales and service Corporation World Headquarters Springs Missouri USA 1 816 229 0314 fpssales fike com PROINERT ECARO 25 Cheetah Shark Rhino SHP Micromist and Fike Corporation are trademarks or registered trademarks of Fike Corporation 2003 Fike Corporation All rights reserved Form No B9096 Printed in the U S A USE SYSTEMS IT SIMPLE MESSAGES SYSTEMS CAN YOU USE FIKEGUARD 25 50 100 SOUND VOICE RECORDINGS USE EVACUATION voice system is more in evacuating and will get out of a structure in a real fire Add to this capability of additional specific such as Severe Weather or Hazmat and a Voice system invaluable to basic operation of a and the safety of occupants 101 the Life Safety mandates voice for areas of with 300 or occupancy It is required in high rise greater than 75 7 stories or more Easy to apply and install TRUE 25 50 or 100 Watt Audio No Additional Parts Required Simple retrofit to existing Fire Alarm Systems Compatible with new Fire Alarm Systems voice evacuation panels combine the latest in with rugged and compact design The system includes self amplifier microphone digital message repeater power supply and battery charger utilizes microprocessor circuitry for all control and supervisory functions The system for its own continuous internal supervision as well as supervising its speaker lines FIKEGUARD 25 FIKEGUARD 50 FIKEGUARD 100 and 200 can operate as stand alone communication systems or as Life Safety Evacuation Alarms when coupled with virtually any Fire Alarm Control Panel Simple makes this an ideal solution for your Life Safety Voice needs FIKEGUARD FGX High Rise Distributed Audio system is the ultimate in design flexibility The FIKEGUARD FGX may be configured to accommodate simple multi floor building through a complex campus networked system VOICE EVACUATION SYSTEM WITH ZONE SPLITTER CIRCUIT CIRCUIT ONLY Line Block Shown Microphone 25 50 or 100 Voice Evacuation System connected and powered from FACP 25 50 100 of assembly applications where exceeds 300 persons and to approximately 100,000 sq ft protected area 200 larger applications where more is required to accommodate ambient sound levels or square footage FGX Rise System to meet the needs of high rise multi channel audio integrated phone area of rescue and building system all ranges are approximate Wattage for specific applications is dependent many factors Consult the factory for product and assistance Multi screen Theaters Restaurants Night Clubs Churches Synagogues School Gymnasiums School Cafeterias School Auditoriums Museums Retail Stores Shopping Malls Office Buildings Apartments Condominiums Industrial Facilities Office Buildings Apartments Condominiums Hospitals School Campus Museums Retail Stores Shopping Malls Self Contained Amplifier Digital Message For Life Safety Applications the FIKEGUARD 25 FIKEGUARD 50 FIKEGUARD 100 to virtually any Fire Alarm Control for conversion to a Voice Evacuation System They are for retrofit or new construction Power Supply Battery Charger Amplifier Digital Message Repeater Paging Microphone 25 70 V Operation Field Selectable Zoning Options Available Cabinet Semi Flush or Surface Mount 14.5 x 18 x 4 Dead Front Construction 200 features as our base systems more power Up to 16 zones in our base cabinet Custom configurations up to 2,000 Watts modules in additional cabinets may combined to expand the system capacity zoning also available Cabinet Semi Flush or Surface Mount 14.5 x 27 x 4 Dead Front Construction FGX Rise System evacuation for a 30 story building in a x 27 x 4 cabinet a single story to a thousand no practical limit True Multiplex 6 Channel Audio Automatic Messaging Zone Paging Control Integrated Fire Phone Fan Damper Control Area of Rescue have an extensive library of over 50 messages various languages to fit a multitude of applications messages are stored digitally for quick simple Custom messages sounds may be created script tape or from WAV files on PC format If you require a specific message not already our library and it is required by your fire marshal local code we will supply it at no additional cost Up to 4 Minute Message Capacity up to 64 Additional Messages Tone with Message or Message Only Applications Message Repeats Field Selectable Message 1 Repeat 2 3 Continuous FIKEGUARD MESSAGE 15 SECONDS please there has been a report of an Proceed calmly to the nearest exit leave the building immediately Do not use elevators use stairwells where necessary handicapped occupants shall use the building plan Warning followed by warning to designated shelters please a chemical spill has occurred in plant Please report to the East assembly area USE SYSTEMS IT SIMPLE MESSAGES SYSTEMS CAN YOU USE FIKEGUARD 25 50 100 SOUND VOICE RECORDINGS USE EVACUATION voice system is more in evacuating and will get out of a structure in a real fire Add to this capability of additional specific such as Severe Weather or Hazmat and a Voice system invaluable to basic operation of a and the safety of occupants 101 the Life Safety mandates voice for areas of with 300 or occupancy It is required in high rise greater than 75 7 stories or more Easy to apply and install TRUE 25 50 or 100 Watt Audio No Additional Part