Cerberus Pyrotronics VDT-MXL Interactive Video Display Terminal 5016

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MXL VDT Interactive Video Display Terminal AND ARCHITECT SPECIFICATIONS Control of MXL Display of All MXL System Events 80 132 Column Mode Supervised Non Supervised Mode RS 232 14 Amber Monitor Detachable Keyboard 4 Pages of Screen Memory Auxiliary Serial Port Function Key Operation Support for MXL Commands Password Protection for Control Test Menu Functions System Status Line System Diagnostic Report Full Page Terminal Set Up Menu Help Screen ULC Listed CSFM NYMEA MXL VDT is a 14 video monitor with detachable it provides an interactive terminal for secondary of MXL information and operation of MXL func such as Acknowledge Silence and Reset as well as and disarming devices It also provides a means generating system reports such as listing smoke sensitivity settings and voltages battery and supply voltages and current system events are displayed on the MXL VDT amber The unit can scan up to four 4 pages of screen allowing the user to access data that would have been lost when screen capacity was All events are shown with the date and time of are executed using either a three letter string or a pre programmed Function Key to the MXL control and test menu functions are protected MXL VDT can be operated in either a supervised one or non supervised multiple mode and connects to PIM 1 module It includes an auxiliary RS 232 port for of additional terminals CRTs or printers bottom line of the CRT always displays a system line showing total number of alarms troubles and securities unit is factory burned in for 60 hours to provide It is pre programmed with essential set up MXL VDT operates on 120 VAC and provides no for battery backup If standby power is required an UPS uninterruptable power supply must be NUMBER COMMANDS SUPPORTED ALARMS SUPERVISORY TROUBLE SECURITY AUDIBLES STATUS ALARMS SUPERVISORY TROUBLES SECURITY SENSITIVITY SETTINGS ANALOG VOLTAGE THRESHOLD VOLTAGE SENSITIVITY VOLTAGE MODULE TYPE DEVICE TYPE MESSAGES SOFTWARE REVISION ON OFF SENSITIVITY SETTINGS INPUT POINT OUTPUT POINT REPORT LAMP TEST LAMP TEST ON DEVICE LED TIME AND DATE Refresh Information 10 x 16 character cell Data Rate Screen Set Up via CSGM 50 Diagonal flat screen Brightness and controls Hz adjustable low with 6 foot coiled RJ11 600 bytes NVM bi directional main port with DB25 connector Asynchro bi directional RS 232C port with DB9 female page menu on off Embedded back VAC 50 60 Hz 10 Power Requirements 0.6A for 24 Hours 12.5 31.75 cm 13.3 33.78 cm 12.2 30.99 cm 9.5 20.90 cm 20 lbs 9.1 kg 3 lbs 14.1 kg Pyrotronics Ridgedale Ave Knolls NJ 07927 201 267 1300 201 397 7008 in U S A Pyrotronics East Pearce Street Hill Ontario 1B7 CN 905 764 8384 905 731 9182 1995 sheet dated 12 93