Siemens Environmental Product Declaration - FDA221 FDA241 FDA421

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Industry Technologies Declaration pe of equipment No S54333 F15 A1 FDA221 CN S54333 F15 A2 S54333 F17 A1 FDA241 CN S54333 F17 A2 S54333 F16 A1 Smoke Detector line Smoke Detector control Schweiz AG Technologies Div ision 22 Zug CH Sy stem 14001 Env ironment 9001 Quality Cert VdS compatible design responsibility of Siemens cov ers the entire product lif e cy cle Siemens already assesses av oids and the env ironmental impact of its products with respect to production procurement sales use serv ices and during the product and process planning phases by comply ing Siemens Standard SN 36350 Env ironmentally products use pical energy consumption load board VSW232 thickness 3 mm board VSW232 thickness 3 mm ethy lene Gr 280 400 0.05 mm DV ester Aluminium Poly ethy lene on disposal weight of dev ice necessary bag recy clable rubber rubber ariant see below total weight of a device may deviate from the total of the weights of all individual components due to rounding base cov er duct cov er Square prof ile ring hose tube base cov er and Venturi gasket strap screw lens head K30x20 12 chamber A5Q00043509F 05 78 Umweltdeklaration xls 31.07.2014 Page 1 2 AG Industry Sector Building Technologies Technologies ariant screw lens head K25x10 head screw M4x8 screw lens head K30x12 lens head screw K30x25 lens cable Wire board to FDAxxx to FDAxxx preamplif ier board board and motor Mini Aspirator Cu CuSn Al Cu TBBA solder SnAgCu TBBA solder SnAgCu TBBA solder SnAgCu TBBA solder SnAgCu Printed Circuit Board parts list weight of dev ice board to FDAxxx dev ice is classif ied as waste electronic equipment in terms of the European Directiv e 2002 96 EC WEEE and not be disposed of as unsorted municipal waste The relev ant national legal rules are to be adhered too disposal use the sy stems setup f or collecting electronic waste e all local and applicable laws 2002 95 EC RoHS dev ice is f ree f rom substances banned by the EU Directiv e 2002 95 EC RoHS allowing f or the exemptions acc to Decision 2010 571 EU Hg Cr6 PBB PBDE 0.1 by weight in homogeneous materials 0.01 by weight in homogeneous materials EC No 1907 2006 REACH the best of our knowledge and according to the inf ormation of our suppliers the abov e mentioned dev ice and its packaging contain no substances of candidate list according to Article 59 1 10 of the regulation EC No 1907 2006 concerning the Registration Ev aluation Authorisation and of Chemicals REACH in concentrations abov e 0.1 w w according to the creation date of this document dev ice is f ree f rom substances which interf ere with lacquer wetting dev ice is halogen f ree with exception of TBBA Disclaimer This declaration is for information purpose only Environmental Product Declaration does not constitute a guarantee of the composition of a product neither does it guarantee that the product will retain a particular composition for a period Schweiz AG therefore does not assume liability for any error or for any consequences which may arise from the use of this information to the maximum extent under the law contact your local Siemens branch office to get further information on environmental aspects and disposal Building Technologies A5Q00043509F 05 78 Umweltdeklaration xls 31.07.2014 Page 2 2 AG Industry Sector