Siemens FirePrint Detectors, the intelligence to separate an emergency from everything else, Brochure

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An alarm goes off Fire in the or another false alarm Fire Safety Technologies Division Fernwood Road Park New Jersey 07932 973 593 2600 Building Technologies Ltd Kenview Boulevard Ontario 5E4 Canada 905 799 9937 905 799 9858 2009 Siemens Building Technologies Inc All rights reserved Printed in the USA 2009 Detectors The intelligence to an emergency from else for infrastructure wisdom to the difference combines the responsiveness of photoelectric and sensor inputs to separate real from non phenomena the same as an ordinary detector there smoke might NOT be a standard detectors lots of things can seem like a vehicle exhaust cooking fumes humidity cigarette dust temperature shifts even radio interference electronic devices But all real have distinctive or FirePrint detectors use technology to instantly identify a real ensuring you the earliest possible warning the greatest false alarm resistance available power of three advanced software and a neural network similar the human brain the FirePrint detector combines from photoelectric and thermal detection to smoke and heat This combination not only helps false alarms it allows FirePrint to exceed the of standard photo thermal ionization combination detectors Unlike other detectors it can the complex data necessary to distinguish deceptive phenomena in a matter of seconds time and time again millions of units installed throughout the world has emerged as the go to solution wherever detection is critical to life and property safety and continuation The result of more than 20 years research and testing FirePrint gives you the ability to the best protection in nearly any environment processing and analysis data and formulas the neural network operates in action one easy adjustment the low FirePrint unit can be easily set work in 11 different environments situations most commonly Setting the detector couldn simpler After installation just key for the appropriate environment the area usage changes FirePrint easily be reset from the alarm to accommodate the transition is perfect for rooms highly controlled environment is clean has closely regulated control and contains costly garages indoor parking and vehicle service Conditions include airborne dust high level of car and diesel fumes and cigarette smoke retail for a reasonably clean atmosphere this is most commonly used setting care facilities higher level risk area relatively free dust but containing electronic which emits radio environments dusty and humid with radio from operating equipment is a application for areas considered too harsh for Contact our Applications if suitability is in doubt ductwork installed in HVAC air duct storage sensitive materials or valuable and is usually clean and airborne dust and a dock area light to medium exhaust from trucks etc storage transformer and telephone closets equipment storage areas where controls and cleanliness less than normal relatively clean area with sporadic and dirt some radio interference cell phone usage and possible smoke setting can be used for any living Conditions may include dust light cooking fumes and smoke learn more about the advantages of FirePrint detectors visit www sbt siemens com

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