Siemens Smart buildings for a smarter future

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Smart buildings for a smarter future buildings increase energy and cost efficiency grid reliability building value while ensuring long term sustainability for infrastructure and cities safety security Building tank inverter pump power charging meter Flow Flow Siemens AG 2013 All rights reserved 1 grid 2013 Building Energy Management System IC BT SSP ST buildings are the answer the increasing complexity tomorrow energy systems need for a smart building in a smart grid approach is driven by specific trends such as the increasing popularity of renewable energy necessity of grid stability the increasing drive toward energy savings growing demand for energy coupled with dwindling reserves of fossil along with the expected rise in energy costs This trend toward feeding from decentralized sources into the grid necessitates better control use of energy by aligning consumption with generation grid requires flexibility and efficiency in managing loads This is achieved combining building management and grid management to optimize trical loads Smart buildings will play a central and fundamental role in lizing the grid through optimized smart consumption the ability not to produce energy but also to store energy and to do this through energy forecasts that they share with utilities and grid operators buildings are the to the challenges today and tomorrow efficiency and grid stability for grid operators consume approximately 40 the world generated energy In addi global energy consumption is likely increase significantly in the near future to the growing world population in the average life expectancy urbanization Needless to say grid and utilities will be facing some challenges to ensure reliability and buildings in smart grids are the to these challenges since their efficiency and role as energy pro will help lower the world energy In addition to avoiding costly infrastructure extensions these will also balance out the grid caused by the unpredictabil of renewable energy through their storage capabilities that smart address Room comfort Occupant productivity Occupant safety security Energy costs Sustainability regulations Greenhouse gas emissions challenges that buildings in smart address Grid instability caused by renewable energy Integration of renewable sources buildings leverage the additional that fully integrated build systems provide results in more energy efficient cost optimized consumption while the occupants comfort example with motion detectors that off the lights when a room is not buildings are not only energy con but also energy producers pro employing on site energy gener systems such as photovoltaic wind and combined heat and power CHP to mention a few high tech buildings are also able store thermal and or electrical energy operating costs combined a better image buildings help building operators costs reducing energy con without loss of comfort and energy cost per kWh consumed well as maintain a positive image with regulations and respond to the increasing pressure of stake regarding corporate and environ responsibility account for 41 of worldwide energy consumption1 accounts for 40 of building operating cost2 Renovation International Energy Association auf weltweiter Basis im Jahr 2002 2 During operation phase Dena Congress Berlin 2008 buildings provide to challenges buildings Lower operating costs Increase positive image Enhance energy efficiency Generate own energy Are able to store excess buildings smart grids do Stabilize grid Exchange data and with grid buildings are data people processes buildings improve the productivity people and processes by leveraging and actionable information to you and your building make better and become smart efficient sustainable way to lower overall energy costs is simply source less energy from the power supply This can be in two ways by implementing and fully integrated building that result in an overall improve of energy efficiency and by using energy generation units such as systems or combined heat power CHP factors for such optimization the use of on site electrical and or storage units crucial factor to increase the energy efficiency is to know the historical energy consumption Optimizing energy procurement forecasting and management to forecast and track electrical demand while constantly optimiz the interplay of energy consumption and storage comprehensive energy management optimizes all energy sources and energy cost savings Combin HVAC with power management cre a heating ventilation and air condi HVAC system managed by a automation and control system buildings that exchange data energy with the grid turn into buildings in smart grids energy consumption helps energy efficiency by reducing at all times In the future energy will remain the main driver with the ability to adapt a build grids need smart buildings counterbalance the complex between power and energy demand supply and demand over certain periods This type of energy man system enhances energy efficiency optimizes energy procure and manages on site energy consumption storage and generation also limits peak demand and optimizes Flexibility manage forms the interface between operational management and the and power markets with the of lowering costs buildings are produc and consumers of energy and are a potential revenue source building technology is our DNA a subsystem of a comprehensive Build Management System BMS a Build Energy Management System BEMS the software hardware and services specifically with the intelligent management and control different energy types The BEMS also a commercial building opera efficiency regionally or globally the building domain energy man covers various energy forms as cooling heating electricity fossil e g gas fuel oil and steam Cooling management system Fossil management system Heat management system Power management system Steam management system management is a BEMS subsystem covers the management of electrical While an energy management is defined within ISO 50001 no of a management system only on electrical energy yet management involves the measure and control of electricity generation and storage relating to cer optimization criteria such as improved efficiency lower energy costs and gas GHG emissions have extensive expertise in technology for smart buildings smart grids company must have expertise in both and grid technology to provide buildings in smart grid solutions its end to end portfolio covering the energy value chain from genera and distribution to consumption Sie is the only company in the world to these criteria provide concepts for new business that efficiently combine hardware software components to maximize customer value added through grid and efficiency

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