Simplex 2001 Voice Communications Audio Control Module Descriptions

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Wimplex Communications Control Modules Descriptions 1999 Simplex Recorder Co Gardner Mass 01441 0001 199 HAZARD electrical power when maklrtg any adjustments servicing should be performed by quall Simplex Representatives repalrs 0 1989 Simplex Time Recorder Co All rights reserved in the United States of America AUDIO CONTROL MODULE DESCRIPTION to Figures 1 2 function of the 2001 6005 Audio Control Module is to provide a preamplified audio signal for the audio amplifier Audio Control Module performs this task as follows Selects one of several audio inputs and allows it to operate in the system Selection is determined by the audio priority rating in the system see Module Function Provides preamplification the tone signals microphone and tape player Provides the oscillator signals for the system The alarm tones 1 and 2 required and the auxiliary tones and 2 optional are generated by the tone oscillator modules located on the Audio Control Module Provides backup for the primary preamplifier to 2001 Voice Communications a description this block diagram Concepts Manual 1 Audio Control Module is made up of two motherboards transformer and the music relay to four tone oscillator boards right side motherboard left side motherboard Interface Music Board houses Control with Pre Amp CONTROL WITH PRE AMP INTERFACE BOARD CONTROL MODULE 2 REFERENCES Audio Control Module circuitry is shown on the following drawings Sh 1 of 4 WD No 841 308 Sh 2 of 4 WD No 841 301 Sh 3 of 4 WD No 841 302 Sh 4 of 4 WD No 841 298 Control with Pre Amp Interface Music Board with InterfaceTransformer Oscillator ControVPre Amp and Power Amplifiers Diagram STATUS Control with Preamplifier LIST Relays normally de energized Name relay energized Stop Relay Tone 1 Tone 2 Command Switching all oscillators and music aux tones and music aux tone 2 and music music music to be played in system secondary pre amp output to be to pins P2 2 P2 4 Interface Music LIST Relays normally de energized Name relay energized Interface music to be used in system FUNCTION to WD No 841 308 and Fig 3 Voice Communications System uses several audio inputs The audio inputs are Microphone Tape Player optional Alarm Tones 1 2 Auxiliary Tone 1 optional Auxiliary Tone 2 optional Music Source optional one audio input is allowed to operate in the system at a time If two or more audio inputs occur at the same time input with the higher priority is allowed to operate the system The list above shows the priority rating of each Kl thru K5 located on the Audio Control Module selects the The priority control circuitry input primary preamplifier a low power signal output is used as a backup when the primary preamplifier output is lost tape player or one of the auxiliary alarm oscillators The secondary preamplifier 2 oscillator or from the microphone and amplifies a low power signal from either the alarm tone 1 oscillator and secondary either oscillator tones are generated by the tone oscillator boards which are located on the Audio Control Module Under conditions fed to the primary preamplifier and the output signal the alarm 2 oscillator output signals of the auxiliary oscillators are fed to primary preamplifier when directed by the Oscillator Control Switch Module or by an automatic input output signal of the alarm 1 oscillator fed to the secondary preamplifier output signals of the primary preamplifier are seen between pins P2 9 SIG and P2 11 OV and the output of the secondary preamplifier are seen between pins P2 1 SIG and P2 3 OV The primary preamplifier are seen between pins P2 2 SIG and P2 4 OV when relay K6 preamplifier select relay is de energized secondary preamplifier signals are seen between pins P2 2 and P2 4 when relay K6 is energized following block diagram module operatesand 3 shows how the oscillator control with dual preamplifier section of the audio and output pins found in the section 1 2 1 2 LINE P3 12 MUSIC RELAY P2 6 P2 11 PRE AMP SIGNAL P2 2 P2 4 PRE AMP AUDIO DE ENERGIZED PRE AMP AUDIO K6 ENERGIZED CONTROL P2 1 P2 3 PRE AMP SIGNAL 4 P3 2 P3 13 P3 14 P2 10 Pl 1 AND Pl 2 CONT WITH DUAL PRE AMP OF AUDIO CONT MOD 3 P3 Signal Description See Fig 3 or P3 11 or P3 15 stop Player Input 1 2 Input all oscillators and music all oscillators and music Stop inhibits all oscillators except alarm 2 oscillator Aux tones 1 and 2 and music Aux tone 2 and music music music to be broadcast by system the selected oscillator to output a coded signal during an alarm When a coded input is available only coded horn tone or chime tone oscillators may be used the system is using the music feature the preamplifier signals are fed to the Mike Interface Music Board as shown Fig 4 PREAMPLIFIER SIGNAL PREAMPLIFIER SIGNAL SOURCE 2 OSCILLATOR CONTROL PREAMPLIFIER SIGNAL Kl DE ENERGIZED ENERGIZED PREAMPLIFIER SIGNAL Kl DE ENERGIZED Kl ENERGIZED INTERFACE MUSIC BOARD OF AUDIO CONTROL MODULE 4 1 89 Time Recorder Co l Simplex Plaza l Gardner Massachusetts 01441 0001 U S A VC2 1 l 006 1