Simplex 2120 Customer Operating Instructions

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2120 Multiplex Command Center Operating 0 1988SlmplexTlmeRecorderCo Mass 01441 0001 U S A Manuals Online 575 555 9 88 HAZARD electrical power when making any adjustments servicing Simplex Representatives be performed by quali repairs significant programming programming system reprogramming controlled manual may cause equipment generates uses and can radiate radio fre energy and if not installed and used in accordance communications has been tested and found to com with the limits for a Class A computing device pursuant Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules which are designed operated case the user at his own expense will be required measures may be required to correct Operation of this take protection a commercial a residential area is likely interference such cause Manuals Online INFORMATION Status Command Center SCC Figure 1 is an auxiliary operating station for the 2120 Multiplex System The annunciates selected monitor zones and provides controls for outputs SCC is composed of a number of modules 2120 system eight switches or combinations all cases with door modules an SCC control module Figure 2 is always mounted of the cabinet while other modules the quantity of which depends on the size and complexity of the of which contains columns of eight LED the eight indicators and eight switches are installed elsewhere annunciates LED could be status bypass condition or trouble Each switch is assigned outputs control signals at the selected priority level a selected monitor zone control point or condition a selected output and when SCC cabinet may contain modules other than those listed above If so please refer to the proper instruction of the additional modules the operation The priority structure the 2120 system may not allow all switch commands are not affective by priority and continue indicate be followed However actual status of the selected On Flashe when acknowl is required To P vower is lost or an de to test the SCC Display earth Used si alert tone flash indicators to enable SCC during power MODULE 1 2 control module Figure 2 located in the upper right hand corner of the SCC unit contains indicators and controls the SCC itself The indicators give information on the status of the SCC thereby confirming validity of the displayed The control module also contains the SCC functions The indi controls and their functions will be described operating controls necessary the top down Manuals Online LINE Indicator LINE Indicator CHANGE Indicator Control off POWER FAILURE Indicator DISPLAY Control TEST Control ON LINE 2120 has been established and is in progress normally ON This communication SCC and the OFF LINE indicator qualified maintenance personnel should be called normally OFF When communication lost this LED indicator will be ON indicate The SCC data being displayed during an OFF LINE indication the last information and as such not necessarily current information STATUS CHANGE selected zone indicators change acknowledge normally OFF flashes to denote changes that may require operator active status The zone indicator also flashes Whenever STATUS change and take appropriate action Acknowledge down to indicate you are aware of the change and will take the appropriate action a spring loaded switch used to acknowledge selected zone changes action may be required press the ACK toggle control switch STATUS CHANGE indicate The active zone LED stays on continuously after an ACKnowledge but the STATUS CHANGE AC POWER FAILURE ON the unit automatically voltage or the loss of line voltage will turn this indicator ON When the indicator over to battery power While indicators on the control module continue to function normally during power all zone indicators normally OFF is a off to conserve battery power Either an earth fault low The ENABLE DISPLAY control may be used to view zone status during power outages ENABLE DISPLAY except for when viewing zone indicators a two position illuminate during power outages Keep the ENABLE DISPLAY switch switch which when put in the UP position causes the active zone the DOWN position at all status during power outages LED TEST position must be performed at least once a year a momentary switch normally illuminate all zone status indicators When released the DOWN position Push and hold this control the switch returns to the DOWN position This Manuals Online Information status and or command modules are used in conjunction with the associated 2120 system A status indicator annunciate or condition A command switch will control a preselected point of the system condition of a preselected indicators and controls are mounted columns of eight and each module in the SCC may contain either one two columns Thus a module with one column may have eight indicators or eight switches a module with two may have sixteen or eight indicators and eight switches Each column of indicators may be a green yellow or red In addition a types of command control switches are available one type the center position toggle normally switch with switch second Indicator status indicator labeled see Figure 3 and will operate in one of two ways Turns ON to indicate an active condition Goes OFF to indicate a inactive condition There is no effect on the module STATUS CHANGE When the input goes from OFF to ON the LED and the STATUS CHANGE ACKnowledge condition The LED indicator will extinguish module STATUS CHANGE extinguishes STATUS CHANGE start flashing Pressing a steady indicate a return to inactive state There is no effect on the and sets the LED indicator when a zone indicator turns off 3 Manuals Online Control Figure 4 are used command or deactivate the associated 2120 system The action controls or conditions each the designated on a label adjacent control switches will be spring loaded These will be operated as follows center UP and release to turn the designated point ON DOWN and release to turn the designated point switch released always returns to the center

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