Simplex 4010-9816 DACT Installation Manual Rev E

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Cautions and Warnings and 9816 DACTs Alarm Communication Installation Instructions NOT INSTALL ANY SIMPLEX PRODUCT THAT APPEARS Upon unpacking your Simplex product inspect the contents of the for shipping damage If damage is apparent immediately file a claim the carrier and notify Simplex HAZARD Disconnect electrical power when making any adjustments or repairs Servicing should be performed by qualified Representatives HAZARD Static electricity can damage components Therefore as follows Ground yourself before opening or installing components use the 553 484 Control Kit Keep uninstalled components wrapped in anti static material at all times FREQUENCY ENERGY This equipment generates uses and can radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with instruction manual may cause interference to radio communications It has tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A computing device to Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules which are designed to provide protection against such interference when operated in a commercial Operation of this equipment in a residential area may cause in which case the user at his own expense will be required to take measures may be required to correct the interference publication shows how to install the 4010 9810 Common Event Reporting 4010 9816 Point Reporting Digital Alarm Communication Transmitter Cards into a 4010 Fire Alarm Control Panel FACP Only one of these cards is allowed per system You cannot have a 4010 DACT card and a interface card in the same 4010 FACP Refer to the Serial DACT Instructions 574 090 for configuration information to the 842 058 Field Wiring Diagram for additional wiring information and IC Requirements DACT Card DACT Card Installation Receivers this Publication publication discusses the following topics Page 2000 Simplex Time Recorder Co Westminster MA 01441 0001 USA specifications and other information shown were current as of publication and are subject to change without notice Manuals Online E and IC Requirements Requirements Requirements The Federal Communications Commission FCC has established Rules permit this device to be directly connected to the telephone network jacks are used for these connections This equipment should be used on party lines or coin lines this device is malfunctioning it may also be causing harm to the network this device should be disconnected until the source of problem can be determined and until repair has been made If this is not the telephone company may temporarily disconnect service The telephone company may make changes in its technical operations and if such changes affect the compatibility or use of this device the company is required to give adequate notice of the changes the telephone company requests information on what equipment is to their lines inform them of The telephone number that this unit is connected to The Ringer Equivalence Number 0.1B The USOC jack required RJ31X and The FCC Registration Number 5QWUSA 32102 AL E b and d are indicated on the label The ringer equivalence number is used to determine how many devices can be connected to your line In most areas the sum of the RENs of all device on any one should not exceed five 5.0 If too many devices are attached they not ring properly the event of equipment malfunction all repairs should be performed by our or an authorized agent It is the responsibility of users requiring to report the need for service to our Company or to one of our authorized Service can be facilitated through our office at Time Recorder Simplex Drive MA 01441 978 731 2500 on next page Manuals Online and IC Requirements Continued Attachment The Industry Canada label identifies certified equipment This means that the equipment meets certain telecommunications protective operational and safety requirements as prescribed in the Terminal Equipment Technical Requirements document s The does not guarantee the equipment will operate to the user installing this equipment users should ensure that it is permissible to be to the facilities of the local telecommunications company The must also be installed using an acceptable method of connection The should be aware that compliance with the above conditions may not degradation of service in some situations to certified equipment should be coordinated by a representative by the supplier Any repairs or alterations made by the user to this or equipment malfunctions may give the telecommunications cause to request the user to disconnect the equipment should ensure for their own protection that the electrical ground of the power utility telephone lines and internal metallic water pipe if present are connected together This precaution may be particularly in rural areas Users should not attempt to make such connections but should contact the appropriate electric authority or electrician as appropriate Ringer Equivalence Number REN assigned to each terminal device an indication of the maximum number of terminals allowed to be to a telephone interface The termination on an interface may consist any combination of devices subject only to the requirement that the sum of the Equivalence Numbers of all the devices does not exceed 5 on next page Manuals Online and IC Requirements Continued the FCC and or Canada Label a DACT card is installed in the 4010 Fire Alarm Control Panel the panel be labeled accordingly The label lets all persons servicing the system that the panel is configured with a DACT card and complies with FCC 68 519 748 and Industry Canada 519 750 listings To apply the label the following Refer to Figure 1 and locate the LCD Display and the touch pad below it Part 68 Label and or Canada label Figure 1 Placement for FCC Part 68 and Industry Canada Labels Notice the placement of the labels above and to the right of the LCD display the touch pad keys in Figure 1 Place the FCC and Industry Canada labels on the 4010 FACP door in the position as that shown in Figure 1 Do not cover vent holes when applying the label Manuals Online DACT Card 4010 9810 DACT card 742 155 supports five categories of status changes Central Station is notified of Alarm Trouble and Supervisory status changes Fail trouble is delayed from 6 24 hours before reporting to the Central Station DACT supervises the system CPU via the N2 communications In the event of CPU failure the card sends a Trouble message to the Central Station 2 shows the location of connectors and switches Programmer 1 2 P4 Assy or Assy TELCO Jack Connector 8 TipH 5 Tip 4 Ring 1 RingH 2 4010 9810 Common Event Reporting DACT 742 155 Manuals Online DACT Card information that is available about which point in the system a status change is supported by the 4010 9816 Point Reporting card 742 094 The report sent to the Central Station includes the CID Point address along with the point status The Point Reporting supervises the system CPU via N2 communication In the event of a failure the DACT sends a Trouble message to the Central Station 3 shows the location of connectors and switches Programmer Telco Line 1 2 P4 Assy Assy or 3 4010 9816 Point Reporting DACT Card 742 094 TELCO Jack Connector 8 TipH 5 Tip 4 Ring 1 RingH Manuals Online Settings Address Setting SW1 cards in the 4010 system have specific addresses The card address for both the DACT cards is Card 8 Set SW1 4 to the ON position and the remaining DIP switches to the OFF position self test the DACTs set SW1 8 to the ON position To return the DACTs to panel operation set SW1 8 to the OFF position SW2 interfacing

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