Simplex Autocall 550 Series Analog Addressable Duct Smoke Detectors -Data Sheet

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ANALOG ADDRESSABLE SMOKE DETECTORS Series Series Series Series Series LED LED LED LED Polling Alarm LED LED Output LED Output LED Output LED Output Remote LED Output Steel Steel Steel Steel Rugged Steel With Clear With Clear With Clear With Clear With Clear Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Address Card Address Card Address Card Address Card Xpert Address Card Easy Easy Easy Easy Easy Identification Identification Identification Identification Identification Reporting of Reporting of Reporting of Reporting of Analog Reporting of Smoke Smoke Smoke Smoke Smoke Without Without Without Installation Without Without Removal Removal Removal Removal Removal Automatic Sensitivity Sensitivity Sensitivity Sensitivity Sensitivity Service Service Service Service Detector Service Messages Messages Messages Messages Messages Immunity Immunity Immunity RFI EMI Immunity Immunity Information Information Information Information Information 550 series duct smoke are designed for air duct applications provide early detection of in air moving through an duct The DIR and DPR may shut down fans and complete air han systems preventing recirculation duct detector employs sampling tube and an exhaust through which a sample of moving through the air han duct continuously flows The ionization or photoelectric detector head in the duct housing is exposed to sample and transmits an if smoke density ex the alarm threshold An tube is included with duct detector Order sam tube separately Design Design Design Design Design 550 series detectors continuously smoke density and report this as an value to the AUTOCALL TFX series panel The AUTOCALL TFX panel software algorithms to analyze the trans value for pre alarm alarm trouble or conditions AUTOCALL TFX panel maintains a average of each 550 detector trans analog values This average is used as long term level of airborne against which the cur analog value is compared This ensures the detector sensitivity remains con over time If the detector moving aver value exceeds a preset threshold a signal is annunciated at the AUTOCALL panel This signal alerts the operator that detector requires cleaning and or mainte to prevent unwanted alarms to an actual alarm condition the TFX panel will report a lower pre alarm condition This is a condition which alerts the operator to pending alarm address of a 550 series detector is set the base by means of an Xpert Card which into a slot at the side of the detector The detector address is printed on the Card and is visible through the clear cover It is not necessary to remove detector from its base or disassemble duct detector housing in order to read a of coded switches to determine the address separate set of terminals on the detector a voltage output for connection to a LED Wiring connections are for ease of installation unless remote LED output is used duct detector housing has a steel with a transparent UL rated plastic The unit can be mounted to the HVAC without removing the cover Air sam tubes are supplied in three lengths for widths from 1 to 10 Card and ISN 550DIR and ISN 550DIR and ISN 550DIR and ISN 550DIR and ISN 550DIR ISN 550DI and ISN 550DIR are dual ionization type smoke detectors which sense the presence of products of combus particularly those produced by fast flaming Inside the detector case is a printed circuit which has the ionization chamber system on one side and the signal processing on the other detectors utilize a dual ionization chamber which consists of an inner reference and an outer smoke chamber The chamber has smoke inlet apertures fitted an insect resistant mesh A small radioactive ionizes the air in both chambers The ion causes a small electrical current to flow If enters the chambers the current flow de This effect is greater in the outer smoke than in the inner reference chamber current imbalance between the two cham is a measurement of smoke density which is to the AUTOCALL TFX series control upon interrogation The twin chamber provides good compensation for atmo pressure and temperature and is in to dust that may deposit on the radio source ISN 550DIR includes two 10 amp 24VDC 120VAC Form C alarm relays in the duct detector unit As smoke is detected blowers and complete air handling sys may be shut down to prevent smoke recir The ISN 550DIR requires an external resetable supply so as not to load the addressable loop indicators pilot and alarm are on the housing front for status indi A manual test switch is provided on front of the detector Remote accesso can be accommodated Approvals Approvals Approvals Approvals Approvals UL 268A Listed File Number S466 UROX CSFM No 3241 1493 165 DI DIR models CSFM No 3242 1493 166 DP DPR models MEA No 73 92E Vol X DI DP models 1 of 2 ADDRESSABLE SMOKE DETECTORS Series Series Series Series Series and ISN 550DPR and ISN 550DPR and ISN 550DPR and ISN 550DPR and ISN 550DPR chambers of the ISN 550DP and ISN photoelectric detector are an opti arrangement consisting of 2 main parts infrared LED and a photo diode light re The LED emits a burst of collimated every 10 seconds In clear air condi the photo diode does not receive light the LED due to its arrangement within chamber As smoke enters the cham it scatters light onto the photo diode is sensed by the detector electronic The intensity of light on the photo is a measurement of smoke density is transmitted to the AUTOCALL TFX control panel upon interrogation maximum reliability the LED emits modulated at about 3KHz and the diode will only react when receiv light at this frequency ISN 550DPR includes two 10amp resistive 120VAC Form C alarm in the smoke duct detector unit smoke is detected fans blowers and air handling systems may be down to prevent smoke recirculation ISN 550DPR requires an external resetable supply so as not to the analog addressable loop pilot and alarm indicators are on the housing front for status And there is a manual test on the front of the detector Remote can be accommodated and Engineering and Engineering and Engineering and Engineering and Engineering air duct smoke detectors shall be the 550 analog addressable smoke duct detectors and installed where shown on the site plans detector housing shall be UL listed per UL for specific use in air handling systems The DP DPR models shall operate at air velocities of 300 4000 ft min and the DI and DIR models shall op at 1000 to 4000 ft min prevent contamination of detectors during the mounting method shall not require of the duct detector housing detector assemblies shall consist of a de base with removable head Analog addressable shall have a unique address associated with base Detectors that have the address