Simplex EXI 17-inch CRT HALO Monitor, 15-inch TFT LCD HALO Monitor

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Model Number Number 17 CRT 15 TFT LCD SPECIFICATION CRT HALO Monitor TFT LCD HALO Monitor Halo Monitors are high resolution multi scan monitors equipped with both automatic manual adjustments to personalize the display characteristics Both monitors support exceed Energy Star standards These monitors both have low radiation safety and recycling and power management while saving costs through automatic savings mode These monitors have an antiglare flat screen and high refresh The tilt swivel base allows adjustments for a comfortable viewing angle addition the HALO 15 TFT LCD monitor is lightweight and reliable and fits in areas with limited workspace Equipment Computer CRT Monitor TFT LCD Monitor area x 8.8 x 1024 max VAC 100 W x 16.8 x area 15 x 768 max VAC 30W x 14.8 H x Frequency KHz V 50 150Hz Frequency V 50 75Hz Subject to Change Without Notice

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