Simplex SafeLINC Infographic

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A comprehensive solution Cloud is a globally accessible managed cloud database receives and hosts data from all control units SafeLINC Cloud holds facility and user access and manages which users access to which control unit s data LTE gateway installed in the ES control unit that transmits data the cloud via the Local Area Network a wireless cellular network Johnson Controls All Rights Reserved App mobile app available for both iOS Android devices provides access to stored in the SafeLINC cloud and you in constant contact with your safety systems wherever you are Web Interface web based dashboard that to SafeLINC Cloud and real time events and status for your control units Also you to search historical event and view system reports Receiver Station Service Connection 06 21 LTE stronger more Station connectivity supervising station interface built into the SafeLINC Services Gateway supports IP or telephone from the control unit to the Central Station Receiver connection point between control units and the Station Depending on model they can communicate via across the Internet or using telephone lines Connection line connects from the unit to the central station directly no cloud or web signals from monitored control and alerts local responders Johnson Controls All Rights Reserved 06 21

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