System Sensor filtrex-a smoke detector

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C1 Smoke Detector for Environments Guide Manuals Online Overview Principles Results and Placement Considerations Considerations Manuals Online I LT R E X D I F F I C U LT E N V I R O N M E N T S M O K E D E T E C T O R S goes to the worst places Made for some the most dif interior environments on it holds its own against dust insects and even withstand occasional water spray specially designed patent pending smoke airborne particulates so it can on sensing smoke is fast Its early response time provides detection well before slower responding detectors thereby minimizing loss doesn fool with Filtrex virtually eliminates alarms minimizing business interruption installs easily into existing analog intelli systems Manuals Online Y S T E M S E N S O R Overview dif environment detector well known that smoke detectors don work in certain places dusty places like paper mills mills Cotton and textile Dry chemical processing plants stables and other climate con animal holding areas results of this technology Demonstrably superior performance True early warning Rapid response without false alarms Straightforward installation into existing systems Low maintenance is also fully supervised circuitry can detect a clogged or fan failure Filtrex is ideal for some of the dusty and dirty places on earth is not intended for exterior use nor it recommended for extremely hot corrosive hazardous intrinsi safe or explosive environments now it was next to impossible achieve true early warning of in these dusty dirty environ No smoke detector could stand to the punishment of dust Anyone enough to try a photoelectric detector in such a place would the same experience frequent alarms or frequent maintenance now speci could only between thermal detec thermal wire or beam detectors of these alternatives such as detectors could be effective are expensive and maintenance Others such as thermal could be slow to react in the detection business too can be too late these technologies can save they may not respond early to prevent property damage prolonged extinguishing by water or misters can actually property damage entirely changes this picture a high density and air system Filtrex removes air matter before it reaches the sensor Dust insects water Filtrex shuts them all out that frees the sensor to do its job smoke Manuals Online I LT R E X D I F F I C U LT E N V I R O N M E N T S M O K E D E T E C T O R S Principles removes foreign particulates as dust and water spray while smoke to arrive at the sensor smoke detectors provide warning of impending requiring heat to alarm because these smoke detec work on a light scattering princi any particulate that crosses the of the beam can lead the sensor believe it is detecting smoke The a possible false alarm Smoke Sensor and Smoke Exhaust is a specially enclosed intelligent smoke detector that pro the ability to operate normally environments that would otherwise false alarms The sealed enclo contains two high density air capture dust and water spray allowing smoke to pass through the sensor A small fan draws in air samples while being cycled and off to increase its life and current draw draws air 1 through two One is the other is permanent to the sensing chamber A fan to increase life expectancy and current draw pulls the air the and past the chamber Air is then exhaust 3 through the chamber and back the cover A standard photo sen is used as the sensing device provide additional dust pro Sampling is sampled every 35 seconds for Air is checked every four for 15 seconds Two high density remove particulate Protection is detectable while water spray or is present Supervision a clogs the panel is alerted and device is taken off line Power up is when the dirty is Air Smoke Dust Water Mist Manuals Online Y S T E M S E N S O R Proves Itself Fire Test this test a UL smoldering see standard 268 for more details this was performed in 10 small pieces of wood are on a hot plate At time zero the plate is at room temperature It is ramped to a temperature of 500 Smoke began generat around the 20 minute mark The response to this is shown orange Filtrex in this test alarms 20 minutes after the smoke generated This particular not generate enough heat to a heat detector until a condition occurred and suf generated As you can see here could give early warning Dust Test Threshold Detector responds to smoldering while heat detectors may not graph shows the results of two trials testing the performance a standard photoelectric smoke against Filtrex in a dusty In each test the signals the detectors are monitored they are exposed to a predeter amount of dust In each trial standard photoelectric smoke reaches the alarm threshold Filtrex stays safely below Threshold 1 0.12 grams of dust 2 0.24 grams of dust Manuals Online I LT R E X D I F F I C U LT E N V I R O N M E N T S M O K E D E T E C T O R S to speci check that the product temperature humidity conditions are met Applications and lumber mills and textile mills chemical processing plants Installations processing plants areas corrugated dust rooms and hose down areas holding areas zoos stables barns picture studios tunnels to Avoid conditions temperature and humidity environments or marine installations animal barns Manuals Online Y S T E M S E N S O R and Placement Considerations placement and spacing purposes is a spot type smoke detector 72 guidelines for open area detectors should be observed few other common sense rules will the product to work as speci not install Filtrex at steam outlets particles are very small and may through the extend life do not install Filtrex the direct path of extreme amounts of Although false alarms should not a problem carefully placing units can substantial life to a should always be replaced after condition to ensure that prop air is maintained Smoke from will have a tendency to to the and reduce air Support your system supplier or Sensor with any questions Filtrex is designed to with very dirty environments it does some limitations During our site testing we gained experience on how to best the product Performance feed indicates that Filtrex provides detection in dif environ as there have not been any false alarms