System Sensor NFPA 72, Inspection, Testing and Maintenance

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Technical Field Bulletin NFPA 72 inspection testing and maintenance of System Sensor duct smoke detectors Application Engineers 8 03 1 04 Sensor recommends that all installations of smoke detection devices comply with the NFPA 72 Chapter 10 2002 edition states Methods Table Systems Detectors detectors shall be tested in place to ensure smoke entry into the sensing chamber and an alarm response Testing with smoke listed aerosol acceptable to the manufacturer or other means acceptable to the detector manufacturer shall be permitted as one test method Ensure that each smoke detector is within its listed and marked sensitivity range by testing using either A calibrated test method or The manufacturer calibrated sensitivity test instrument or Listed control equipment arranged for the purpose or A smoke detector control unit arrangement whereby the detector causes a signal at the control when its sensitivity is outside its acceptable sensitivity range or Other calibrated sensitivity test method acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction The detector sensitivity cannot be tested or measured using any spray device that an unmeasured concentration of aerosol into the detector Single Station Detectors detectors shall be tested in place to ensure smoke entry into the sensing chamber and an alarm response Testing with smoke listed aerosol acceptable to the manufacturer or other means acceptable to the detector manufacturer shall be permitted as one test method Duct Type duct detectors shall be tested or inspected to ensure that the device will sample the airstream The test shall be made in accordance the manufacturer instructions Projected Beam Type detector shall be tested by introducing smoke other aerosol or an optical filter into the beam path Sensitivity of smoke detectors and single and multiple station smoke alarms in other than one and two family dwellings be tested in accordance with through Sensitivity shall be checked within 1 year after installation Sensitivity shall be checked every alternate year thereafter unless otherwise permitted by compliance with After the second required calibration test if sensitivity tests indicate that the device has remained within its listed and sensitivity range or 4 percent obscuration light gray smoke if not marked the length of time between calibration tests shall permitted to be extended to a maximum of 5 years If the frequency is extended records of nuisance alarms and subsequent trends of these alarms shall be maintained In zones or in areas where nuisance alarms show any increase over the previous year calibration tests shall be performed Ohio Avenue St Charles IL 60174 Phone 800 736 7672 Fax 630 377 6583 www systemsensor com on page 2 To ensure that each smoke detector or smoke alarm is within its listed and marked sensitivity range it shall be tested using of the following methods Calibrated test method Manufacturer calibrated sensitivity test instrument Listed control equipment arranged for the purpose Smoke detector control unit arrangement whereby the detector causes a signal at the control where its sensitivity is outside its listed sensitivity range Other calibrated sensitivity test methods approved by the authority having jurisdiction Detectors or smoke alarms found to have a sensitivity outside the listed and marked sensitivity range shall be cleaned and or be replaced Testing Frequency Testing shall be performed in accordance with the schedules in Table 10.4.3 except as modified in other of 10.4.3 or more often if required by the authority having jurisdiction you have any questions concerning System Sensor products or their application contact Technical Services at 1 800 SENSOR2 736 7672 extension 2 Ohio Avenue St Charles IL 60174 Phone 800 736 7672 Fax 630 377 6583 www systemsensor com