System Sensor system-smoke detector

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Application Guide Detectors Manuals Online Smoke Detectors I Glossary of Terms 2 that Apply Codes and Standards and Fire Codes Laboratories Publications 3 How Smoke Detectors Work of Smoke Detectors Detector Design Consideration in Selecting Detectors Detectors Have Limitations 4 System Layout Supervision B Circuits A Circuits Circuits Zoning Guidelines Control Functions Detector Installation Installation Guidelines Wiring Techniques Systems Do and Don and System Checkout 5 Detector Applications Placement and Spacing To Place Detectors NOT To Place Detectors Application Detectors Spacing Spacing Guidelines Spacing Problems in Air handling and Air Conditioning Systems in Above Ceiling Plenum Areas Plenums Utilized as Part of the HVAC System Manuals Online Y S T E M S M O K E D E T E C T O R S 6 Maintenance and Service of Detectors Inspection Test and Maintenance Practices 7 Techniques to do about Unwanted Alarms for Unwanted Alarms an Alarm Log of Location or Environment Detector for Dirt and Review Maintenance of other Systems on Alarm System Wiring Causes of Unwanted Alarms of Detector Owners and Installers to get Help if the Source of Unwanted Alarms can be Found 8 Sensor Services purpose of this guide is to provide information concerning the proper of smoke detectors used in conjunction with fire alarm systems It basic principles that should be considered in the application of early fire and smoke detection devices Operating characteristics of detectors environmental factors which may aid delay or prevent their operation presented protection engineers mechanical and electrical engineers service personnel alarm designers and installers should find the contents both educational informative this information is based upon industry expertise and many years of it is intended to be used only as a technical guide The requirements applicable codes and standards as well as directives of the Authorities Having AHJ should be followed In particular the most current version of 72 for installation and testing of systems is a key element in the effectiveness smoke detection systems Manuals Online Y S T E M S E N S O R have shown that in the United States the of early warning and smoke detection has resulted in a signi reduction in deaths The sooner a is detected better the chances are for survival potential problem with smoke detectors is alarms that often result in people being to the alarm system or in severe disconnecting the system This is an industry problem that in most cases is caused by application installation and maintenance smoke detectors It is hoped that the informa in this guide will be used by those involved the application installation and maintenance alarm systems to minimize these problems Manuals Online Y S T E M S M O K E D E T E C T O R S 1 Glossary of Terms System Smoke Detector smoke detectors which in addition to providing alarm and trouble to a control unit are capable of communicating a unique address Sampling type Detector sampling type detector consists of piping or tubing distribution from thedetector to the area s to be protected An air pump draws air from the protected back to the detector through the air sampling ports and piping or tubing the detector the air is analyzed for fire products Signal Noti Appliance electromechanical appliance that converts energy into audible or visible signal perception as an alarm signal Signal signal indicating an emergency requiring immediate action such as an alarm fire from a manual box a waterflow alarm or an alarm from an automatic alarm system or other emergency signal Veri Feature feature of automatic fire detection and alarm systems to reduce unwanted wherein automatic fire detectors must report alarm conditions for minimum period of time or con alarm conditions within a given time period being reset to be accepted as a valid alarm initiation signal visible and or audible indication Fire Alarm System system of controls initiating devices and alarm signals in which all or some of the circuits are activated by automatic devices such as smoke detectors A Circuit Loop arrangement of supervised initiating device signaling line or indicating circuits that prevents a single open or ground on the installation wiring these circuits from causing loss of the system intended function B Circuit Loop arrangement of supervised initiating device signaling line or indicating circuits which does not prevent a single open or ground on the wiring of these circuits from causing loss of the system function Smoke Detector smoke detector that combines two or more smoke or fire sensing techniques Coverage recommended maximum distance between adjacent detectors or the area a detector is designated to protect Manuals Online Y S T E M S E N S O R 1 of Terms Compensation capability of a detector to automatically adjust its alarm sensitivity to for any changes over time in the factory settings for smoke and or detection In analog systems this is done by the panel of Line device such as a resistor or diode placed at the end of a Class B wire loop maintain supervision of Line Relay used to supervise power for four wire smoke detectors and installed the last device on the loop Alarms unwanted alarm caused by non smoke contaminants such as dust or insects chemical reaction between oxygen and a combustible material where rapid results in the release of heat light flame and or smoke Detector device that detects the infrared ultraviolet or visible radiation produced by a Smoke Detector smoke detector which initiates an alarm condition on two separate wires loop apart from the two power leads Detector device that detects abnormally high temperature or rate of temperature rise Circuit circuit which transmits an alarm signal initiated manually or automatically as a alarm box smoke heat or sensing device sprinkler water switch or similar device or equipment to a control panel or any similar or equipment which when activated causes an alarm to be indicated or Device manually operated or automatically operated equipment which when initiates an alarm through an alarm signaling device Device Circuit Loop circuit to which automatic or manual signal initiating devices are connected the signal received does not identify the individual device operated Analog Smart System Smoke Detector system smoke detector capable of communicating information about smoke at its location to a control unit This type of detector typically a unique identification address along with an analog signal indicates the level of smoke at its location Manuals Online Y S T E M S M O K E D E T E C T O R S 1 of Terms Smoke Detector ionization smoke detector has a small amount of radioactive material that the air in the sensing chamber thus rendering it conductive and permitting current to flow between two charged electrodes This gives the sensing chamber effective electrical conductance When smoke particles enter the ionization they decrease the conductance of the air by attaching themselves to the ions a reduction in mobility When the conductance is less than a predetermined the detector responds Scattering action of light being reflected and or refracted by particles of combustion detection by a photoelectric smoke detector The action of light being refracted reflected or materials included in a list published by an or