Autocall Dual Address Bases for Multi-Sensor A4098-9754, Standard and Sounder

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Datasheet Analog Sensing Address Bases for Multi Sensor A4098 9754 Standard and Sounder ULC CSFM Listed FM Approved photoelectric sensing and TrueAlarm thermal sensing in one housing TrueAlarm photoelectric technology accurately monitors for smoke TrueAlarm thermal sensing accurately monitors for fixed temperature rate of rise temperature selected or combined as required per Basic operation is UL listed to Standard 268 Sounder operation is also listed to UL Standard 464 as an audible appliance standard base A4098 9796 provides Two sequentially addressed points automatically assigned with one Connections for remote LED or LED tracking relay for remote alarm selection indication sounder base A4098 9795 provides the features of and also provides Built in piezo electric sounder with high output 88 dBA and low requirements 20 mA Sounder power can be from 24 VDC or from a compatible Notification Circuit NAC if NAC powered unit Sounder output can be synchronized via communications or by the Sounder operation can be independently activated from the host analog sensing operation Analog sensor information is digitally communicated to the control unit IDNet two wire communications Individual sensor information is processed by the host control unit to sensor status use with the following Autocall products Model Series 4007ES 4100ES and 4100ES fire alarm control units For use with 4007ES 4100ES or 4010ES control units multi sensor is also available using single address bases refer to data AC4098 0024 for more information including TrueSense early detection operation combining photo and heat inputs and architecturally styled enclosures are for ceiling or mounting Smoke sensor louver design directs air flow to chamber enhancing capture sound relay Sound louvers on sounder base exit both front and side for high Built in magnetic test feature alarms both addresses Designed for EMI compatibility Optional accessories include remote alarm LED indicator or alarm LED 1 TrueAlarm multi sensor A4098 9754 in multi sensor sounder base A4098 9795 2 TrueAlarm multi sensor A4098 9754 in multi sensor base A4098 9796 multi sensor description multi sensor A4098 9754 combines the established of a TrueAlarm photoelectric smoke sensor with a fast and accurate TrueAlarm thermal sensor to provide both features a single sensor base assembly communication of analog sensing Analog information each sensor is digitally communicated to the control unit where is analyzed Photoelectric sensor input is stored and tracked as an value with an alarm or abnormal condition being determined by the sensor s present value against its average value Thermal is processed to look for absolute or rate of rise temperature as data evaluation Monitoring each photoelectric sensor s value provides a software filtering process that compensates environmental factors such as dust and dirt and component aging an accurate reference for evaluating new activity The result a significant reduction in the probability of false or nuisance alarms by shifts in sensitivity either up or down unit selection Peak activity per sensor is stored to assist in specific locations The alarm set point for each TrueAlarm is determined at the control unit selectable as more or less as the individual application requires selection Alarm set points can be programmed timed automatic sensitivity selection such as more sensitive at night sensitive during day Control unit programming can also provide operation per sensor For example a 0.2 level may cause a to prompt investigation while a 2.5 level may initiate an alarm This product has been approved by the California State Fire Marshal CSFM pursuant to Section 13144.1 of the California Health and Safety Code See CSFM Listings 7300 2269 0531 7300 2269 0560 7272 2269 0537 and 7300 2269 0551 for allowable values and or conditions concerning material presented in this document Additional listings may be applicable your local Autocall product supplier for the latest status Rev 12 07 2021 alarm and trouble LED indication Each sensor base s LED to indicate communications with the unit If the control unit that a sensor is in alarm or that it is dirty or has some other of trouble the details are annunciated at the control unit and that base s LED will be turned on steadily During a system alarm the unit will control the LEDs such that an LED indicating a trouble return to pulsing to help identify the alarmed sensors Total quantity of sounder bases available for coding on the same channel may vary with unit application and availability NAC power Refer to specific control unit requirements analog sensor features against rear air flow entry are EMI RFI shielded sensing Photoelectric sensing technology 360 smoke entry for optimum response Chamber screen provides protection from dirt dust and insects sensing Fast response thermistor design Rate compensated self resetting operation Control unit can select per sensor for fixed temperature sensing rate temperature sensing or the combination of both sensing photoelectric sensors use a stable pulsed infrared LED source and a silicon photodiode receiver to provide consistent accurate low power smoke sensing Seven levels of sensitivity are for each individual sensor ranging from 0.2 to 3.7 per foot smoke obscuration Sensitivities of 0.2 0.5 and 1 are for special in clean areas Standard sensitivities are 1.5 2.0 2.5 and 3.7 Application type and sensitivity are selected and then at the fire alarm control unit sensor head design provides 360 smoke entry for optimum response Because of the photoelectric sensing technology the sensor is UL listed for air velocity of up to 4000 ft min care must be taken in determining sensor locations to avoid where local airflow may also impact any smoke flow Refer to the reference section on this page sensing heat sensors monitor a fast reacting thermistor providing that is self restoring and rate compensated Due to its small mass the sensor accurately and quickly measures the local for analysis at the fire alarm control unit The control unit alarm selection to be per sensor as fixed temperature or rate of temperature or the combination of both temperature detection is selectable at the control unit for 15 F 8.3 C or 20 F 11.1 C per minute Fixed temperature is independent of rate of rise sensing and selectable to operate 135 F 57.2 C or 155 F 68 C In a slow developing fire the may not increase rapidly enough to operate the rate of feature However an alarm will be initiated when the temperature its selected fixed temperature setting heat sensors can be programmed as a utility device to for temperature extremes in the range from 32 F to 122 F 0 to 50 C This feature can provide freeze warnings or alert to HVAC problems Refer to specific units for availability Address Bases for Multi Sensor A4098 9754 Standard and Sounder reference locations should be determined after careful consideration of physical layout and contents of the area to be protected Refer to 72 the National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code On smooth ceilings sensor spacing of 30 ft 9.1 m may be used as a guide For detailed application information including sensitivity selection to Installation Instructions 574 709AC dimension reference 3 Multi Sensor with A4098 9795 Sounder Base 4 Multi Sensor with A4098 9796 Multi Sensor Base base features mounted address selection allows the addresses of the multi base to remain with its programmed location when the sensor is for service red LED indicates power on by pulsing or alarm or trouble steady on reflecting status of either sensor The exact status of specific sensing element is annunciated at the fire alarm control unit alarm control unit features smoke sensitivity and temperature operation is selectable for sensor Sensitivity monitoring that satisfies NFPA 72 sensitivity testing Peak value logging allows accurate analysis for sensitivity selection Automatic once per minute individual sensor calibration check verifies