Cornell Communications Communicator RN 5500 Brochure

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T H E C A R E C O N N E C T I O N TM RN NURSES CALL SYSTEM Patient Supervision Easier Help Enhance the Quality of Patient Care COMMUNICATIONS INC 9 1 5 N o r t h 8 1 s t S t r e e t M i l w a u k e e W I 5 3 2 2 3 800.558.8957 fax 414.351.4657 www cornell com AUDIO PAGING DATA LOGGING USER PROVEN EQUIPMENT AND TECHNOLOGY EVEN EASIER TO USE THAN JUST USER FRIENDLY ADDRESSABLE AND STATIONS complete coverage all patient locations EASY TO READ origin of call FIVE COLOR DOME LIGHTS programming of colors facility standards DIGITAL READOUT DESK CONSOLE other communication system offers as many care enhancing features as Communicator RN Insight about and concern for the needs nurses and allied care givers drove the design of each element On going to continual improvement assures a system installed today will be of leading edge functionality even as technologies evolve COMMUNICATOR RN SYSTEM IS A USER PRODUCT to support top quality patient care without increasing the challenge to the givers COMMUNICATOR RN SYSTEM IS FLEXIBLE system can be programmed to accommodate existing procedures There is no need change how things are done to fully benefit from the system many features COMMUNICATOR RN SYSTEM IS INTUITIVE reflect the reality of daily patient resident interactions with care givers no need to learn new terminology or become savvy to be using the system and to get the most out of it COMMUNICATOR RN SYSTEM IS HELPFUL flow is rapid simultaneous between multiple points and complete enough allow accorate interpretation of a caller needs and proper timely responses YET THE COMMUNICATOR RN SYSTEM IS ADVANCED offers expansion capabilities that will accommodate facility growth as well increases in care sophistication COMMUNICATOR RN wIll MAxIMIzE THE RETURN YOUR CAll SYSTEM INVESTMENT IN TERMS Of PRODUCTIVITY AND PROfITAbIlITY

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