Fike Laser Plus Display Module

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VESDA LaserPLUS Module S5198 FM OB5A5 AY LPCB Module Display Module provides a real time indication of the status of a VESDA LaserPLUS Detector It has a 20 segment bargraph a 2 digit numerical display an audible sounder and clear alarm and fault indicators It also has 4 push to control the Detector and the mode of the Display Lights bright flashing LED provide clear of a fire condition Each is accom by an audible warning Similarly fault condition is indicated by clearly LED and an audible tone The warning is easily silenced by the of a push button at which point any LED are permanently illuminated the cause of the event is identified the system reset Display 2 digit numerical readout has a of modes which are indicated four LED The current smoke level in obscuration m The sensitivity or Fire 1 threshold in obscuration m The VESDA zone number On the Scanner Display the Alarm Sector automatically when a smoke condition detected On the Scanner Display the sector number for the information displayed is illuminated dual function push buttons enable to reset or isolate the Detector control the function and mode the Display Module can be disabled when the is commissioned to general access test routine is initiated by the mode push for two seconds presence and status of Detector and associated are constantly via VESDAnet Four Alarm Levels Action Fire 1 Fire 2 20 Segment Vertical Bargraph Alarm Threshold Indicators Action Fire 1 Audio and Visual Indication Alarm Indicators Informative Fault Indicators Multi mode Numeric Display to smoke obscuration Acknowledged Push Button Multiple Language Supported Addressable to any Detector Display Module provides a clear of status of a VESDA Detector is a detachable assembly which can mounted in a Detector unit as a unit or in a 19 rack The can therefore be mounted in optimum location either with or from the Detector Several can be configured to display from a single Detector Indication levels are continuously by an illuminated bargraph segment indicates an increase in detected smoke level The top is equal to the Fire1 threshold that each segment represents 1 20 the Fire1 smoke level To the left of bargraph are the Fire1 Action and threshold indicators At a glance provides a visual representation of programmed threshold levels and close the smoke level is to each threshold Box O DIA KNOCKOUTS 2 TOP 2 BACK 1 EACH SIDE 2 VIEW DIA DIA P V I E W VIEW VIEW Sub Rack R O N T V I E W Information display with 7 relays display only Module Specifications Module view Module view Level Number 0 2 3 4 Voltage when used in Detector Unit Unit or 19 Rack Consumption watts quiescent plus 0.6 watts alarm only watts quiescent plus 0.6 watts alarm remote mounting box Consumption quiescent plus 20mA alarm module only quiescent plus 20mA alarm in remote mounting box WHD in Remote Box x 5.9 x 3.5 x 150mm x 90mm to 102 cid 176 F 0 cid 176 to 39 cid 176 C 10 95 RH noncondensing Temperature Indicators highly visible with 70 degree angle be disabled during commissioning silence Return a short tone when and a long tone when disabled Dual Function press Selects a sequence of modes the numerical display sequence is Sensitivity Smoke Level and Number Scanner Displays the sector pipe alarm can be selected The current display mode is indicated the appropriate LED press Activates the Test Mode Silence Scan function on Scanner only press Silences any alarm or fault Flashing LED are then perma lit until the event is cleared and the reset Only affects the local display press Causes the product to scan pipe individually for smoke and display current levels Indicators the Detector and all the Displays with it the alarm or fault condition has not been then the appropriate indications will repeated Reset does not clear the isolate the Detector from any external or systems includes all the relays internal and in units relays are activated while the is in isolate mode A fault which affects the whole i e any device on VESDAnet A fault which affects only the or its associated Displays A serious fault that requires attention light will only illuminate when at least other fault light is lit A fault with the power supply AC or battery backup A break in the VESDAnet link Airflow drift indicates aspirator or pipe failure Filter needs replacing Systems manufacturers VESDA and ADPRO products In accordance with its policy of continuing product and system improvement Vision the right to change engineering design or specifications without incurring obligation and without further notice VESDA is a registered trademark Vision Systems ASPIRE LaserPLUS AutoLearn VSM VESDAnet and VESDAcad are trademarks of Vision Systems IN U S A No 17921 Revision 1 Printed January 98 Fike Corporation Protection Systems S 10th Street Springs Missouri USA 64015 816 229 3405 816 229 4615