Fike P 1 14 01 Duct Detectors

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DUCT DETECTORS 63 028 029 030 031 67 029 and 67 030 duct detectors are the latest in analog and conventional 4 wire duct All models incorporate Fike NS sensor technology for advanced detection The analog duct detector allows features such as user selectable alarm levels pre alarm alarm verification and drift compensation Models duct housing and detector blocks accept up to 14 AWG wire C relays rated 10A 115V A relay rated 1A 24V with sampling tubes ft ft ft Models Operates on the Cheetah digital signal line circuit Detector can be adjusted for alarm level sensitivities between 0.9 to 2.7 ft obscuration level can be set as low as 0.1 ft obscuration NS analog photo detector alarm and remote pilot LED outputs Base model Same as 63 028 except provides One Form C alarm relay One Form C trouble relay input for remote test switch separate 24Vdc power source 4 wire models Operates on 24Vdc or 24Vac Additionally each model has a 115Vac or 230Vac input be magnet tested without removing the housing cover one each Form C alarm relay Form C trouble relay and Form A alarm relay outputs for alarm LED and pilot LED input for remote test and remote reset switch photo detector 115Vac photo detector 230Vac ion detector 115Vac ion detector 230Vac S 10th Street P O Box 610 Blue Springs Missouri 64013 0610 U S A 816 229 3405 816 229 4615 www fike com No P 1.14.01 1 page is left blank intentionally Fike Corporation All Rights Reserved No P 1.14.01 1 July 2005 Specifications are subject to change without notice