Fike Self Contained HCI Detector D2501

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Architect and Engineer Specification Warning Corrosive Gas Detection System Compact low profile size Stand alone installation The HCl crystal is field replaceable Visual status indicating LEDs located on Dry contact annunication relays for trouble and with existing alarm controls HCl detector is an intelligent device capable of the presence of destructive hydrogen chlo gas in the protected environment Hydrogen chlo gas is emitted as the polyvinyl chloride insulation wiring is heated This event occurs prior to the com stage H10 501 HCl detector is configured as a self con unit to be powered by 24VDC Power supplies MODULE MODULE MODULE MODULE MODULE CONTAINED DETECTOR convert 110 VAC and 48 VDC inputs to 24 VDC available from Fike contacts are provided for alarm panel tie ins to alarm or trouble conditions Fike HCl detector utilizes a patented technology on the oscillation of a specially prepared zinc coated quartz crystal The oscillating frequency this crystal is monitored by an on board the crystal is exposed to HCl its mass increases to the formation of hygroscopic salt on the crys This causes a subsequent reduction in the oscil thus causing an alarm Normal varia of the oscillating frequency are compensated for the microcontroller in order to prevent false alarms being monitored by the determination that an alarm condition is the two LEDs mounted on each end of the are illuminated in a blinking red state addition the alarm contact will transfer thus pro the ability to communicate the alarm status to a alarm panel two LEDs on the detector also serve as visual indicators of the detector present condition LEDs will blink green during normal operation the LEDs are blinking yellow the crystal is near the end of its life span and needs to be replaced the LEDs are alternately blinking red and green crystal life has expired and must be replaced When the LEDs are illuminated in a blink red condition the detector is in alarm due to the of hydrogen chloride gas 1995 Issue S 10th St P O Box 610 cid 127 Blue Springs MO 64013 0610 U S A cid 127 816 229 3405 cid 127 Fax 816 229 4615 cid 127 E mail fpssales fike com housing shall be a low profile design manufac with durable injection molded plastic An optional plate shall be available for maintenance pur SPECIFICATIONS Number x 4.34 x 2.21 x 110.2 x 56.1mm Draw mA nominal at 24 VDC Voltage 30 VDC HCl detector is mounted directly to a standard inch square electrical box An optional adapter is also available The plate mounts to the box the detector into place thus providing a disconnect feature allowing easy access to the wiring to the detector are made via a terminal recessed into the underside of the detector en SPECIFICATIONS HCl detector shall be Fike part number H10 501 shall be powered by a 24 VDC power supply con 110 VAC or 48 VDC to 24 VDC power and operate as a self contained unit Visual status LEDs located on the detector shall provide user with an indication of the current state of the including a Soft Failure indication when the crys needs replacement prior to actual failure A trouble shall also close at the same time prior to the of the crystal DIMENSIONS NO D2501 2 1996 by Fike Corporation All rights reserved PRINTED IN U S A