Fike Vesda laser plus programming module

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VESDA LaserPLUS Module S5198 FM OB5A5 AY LPCB Module Programmer Module allows modification to the settings of a VESDA LaserPLUS system Using an intuitive menu system and maintenance of the system is convenient and efficient The progammer is the access tool to the individual on the LaserPLUS Detectors and Displays while also facilitating the configuration and maintenance of many Detectors by VESDAnet Intuitive Menu System Backlit LCD Screen Multiple Language Supported 8 Large Tactile Buttons Password Security Choice of Mounting for System Configuration Zone Configuration Thresholds Zone Control Reset System Status Device Status Event Log Interrogation Diagnostics Commissioning Programmer can be mounted in the unit in a remote mounting box in a 19 rack A portable Hand Held is also available All versions can be to program a number of Detctors or individually Overview menu driven interface makes of the VESDA LaserPLUS very convenient two rows of push buttons enable to navigate through the program menu tree and change the settings each device to suit specific require The top row of push buttons are keys With each changing screen function is displayed on the bottom of the LCD screen select the Detector or device you to access navigate to the parameter change and set the new value devices on the VESDAnet are and easily identified using the names assigned during commissioning levels of password protection general access to the devices on VESDAnet first level allows access to the functions allowing trusted to check and reset the system second level allows site administra access to the control parameters the third level a VESDA distrubutor configure more advanced Also lost passwords can overcome by obtaining a only password from local Vision Systems programmer provides access to all the of the VESDA Detector Fast access to system or status Textural description of alarms and faults Complete access to the log Access to all the configu parameters alarm pipes use relay configurations Simultaneous setting of Detectors time and air flow thresholds Detector Confirmation of filter replace Module Specifications Box O DIA KNOCKOUTS 2 TOP 2 BACK 1 EACH SIDE 2 VIEW DIA DIA VIEW VIEW Sub Rack P V I E W R O N T V I E W Hand Held Consumption watts quiescent plus 1.7 watts backlight Consumption quiescent plus 60mA backlight on 24VDC WHD x 5.3 x 2.4 x 135mm x 60mm Module Consumption watts quiescent 1.7 watts with backlight Consumption quiescent plus 60mA backlight on 24VDC WHD x 5.1 x 1.2 x 130mm x 30mm pin D type to VESDAnet plug to VESDAnet in a detector or Remote Box connector to termination card or to ex connector on another VESDAnet de Remote Consumption watts quiescent plus 1.7 watts backlight Consumption quiescent plus 60mA backlight on 24VDC WHD x 5.9 x 3.5 x 150mm x 90mm VESDAnet field wiring terminal blocks AWG 0.2 2.5mm2 Size x 1.45 70mm x 37mm Graphical display characters lines 21 characters per line switchable backlit screen with control Time out minutes Defaults to log on screen Size Rows of 4 push buttons each 75 x 50 x 12mm Access ID 3 characters and PIN 4 digits of Users to 14 Users or Administrators Distributor Level 3 Default ID User Operator level Administrator Alter most VESDA Distributor Temperature to 102 cid 176 F 0 cid 176 to 39 cid 176 C 10 95 RH noncondensing to Detector Parameter software version Alarms Faults Flow readings to Display Parameters software mode lockout number name 21 characters Alarm Thresholds Action Fire 1 Fire 2 2 1 delays 0 60 seconds Options Log up to 18,000 events number and name 21 characters reset isolate in use pipe 1 to 4 Speed Flow control of filter change configuration 7 relays detector Modules Addressable detectors displays High Level and relay modules Information Handheld Programmer Remote programmer For UL minimum sensitivity is 4 ft Systems manufacturers VESDA and ADPRO products In accordance with its policy of continuing product and system improvement Vision the right to change engineering design or specifications without incurring obligation and without further notice VESDA is a registered trademark Vision Systems ASPIRE LaserPLUS AutoLearn VSM VESDAnet and VESDAcad are trademarks of Vision Systems IN U S A No 17922 Revision 1 Printed January 98 Fike Corporation Protection Systems S 10th Street Springs Missouri USA 64015 816 229 3405 816 229 4615