Fike Vesda LaserSCANNER V 1 04 01

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VESDA LASERSCANNER S5198 ULC CS729 FM 1DOA4 AY CSFM 7259 1491 105 NY MEA 101 98 E LPC SSL VdS LaserSCANNER is similar to the standard LaserPLUS but also includes a valve mechanism in the inlet and software to control the airflow from the four sectors pipes This configuration enables a single zone to be divided into four separate sectors for distinguishing between separate voids within a room IT WORKS LaserSCANNER draws air from all sectors in use If the level reaches the Adaptive Scan Threshold the quickly scans each pipe to identify which pipe carrying smoke If more than one pipe is transporting smoke sector with the highest smoke concentration is designated the First Alarm Sector FAS Fast Scan is completed and the FAS identified the continues to closely monitor all four sectors pipes to monitor fire growth and maintain full of the area are four alarm levels Alert Action Fire 1 and Fire 2 for each sector pipe and the sensitivity for each alarm can be set to ensure the optimum alarm thresholds are applied for each sector LaserSCANNER Display LaserSCANNER display has a bar graph to indicate the overall smoke level alarm thresholds and fault indication bar graph displays the individual sector smoke levels during the scanning sequence There is an extra LED to that a First Alarm SEctor FAS has been identified and an extra function to the Silence button to allow for Scan to be initiated Options LaserSCANNER detector can be fitted with a programmable 7 or 12 relay Termination card Relays may be in a remote box or in a 19 in subrack status of the detector and all alarm service and fault events are transmitted to displays and external systems via VESDA fault tolerant communications protocol The VESDAnet loop provides a robust bi directional network between devices even allowing continued operation during single point wiring failures It also system programming from a location and forms the basis of the modular nature of the VESDA system and Referencing LaserSCANNER has both the AutoLearn and Referencing software functions to ensure optimum operation in environments and to eliminate the occurrence of nuisance alarms monitors the ambient environment and sets the most appropriate alarm thresholds Alert Action Fire 1 Fire 2 during the commissioning process ensures external pollution to a protected environment does not interfere with the true smoke level being S 10th Street P O Box 610 Blue Springs Missouri 64013 0610 U S A 816 229 3405 816 229 4615 www fike com No V 1.04.01 Pipe Identification Scan Threshold Wide Sensitivity Range Based Smoke Detection Communication Alarm Levels per Sector High Efficiency Aspirator Voltage Consumption 24VDC WHD Conditions Network Size Relays Rating Access Termination Range Threshold Setting Range Features Dual State Air Filter to Replace Air Filter or 12 Programmable Relays Option Log Mounting to 30 VDC Display or Programmer 3000rpm 4200rpm Alarm Alarm x 8.9in x 4.9in 350mm x 225mm x 125mm lbs 4.0kg including Display and Programmer modules Ambient 32 to 103 0 to 39 Air 4 to 140 20 to 60 10 95 RH non condensing consult your Vision Systems office for operation outside these area of coverage 20,000 sq ft pipe length in accordance with Computer Design Tool and NFPA standards flow per pipe 15 liters min Diameter 1 in 25mm Diameter 9 16 in 7 8 in 15 21 mm or 12 Relays option rated 2A 30VDC 7 Relays NO NC contacts Alert Action Fire 1 Fire 2 Urgent Fault Isolate First Alarm Sector 1 to 4 and Scan in 8 x 25mm knockouts in various positions terminals 30 12 AWG 0.2 2.5 sq mm to 6 obs ft 0.005 to 20 obs m 0.0015 0.6218 obs ft 0.005 1.990 obs m 0.0031 0.6234 obs ft 0.010 1.995 obs m 1 0.0046 0.625 obs ft 0.015 2.00 obs m 2 0.0062 6.25 obs ft 0.020 20.00 obs m to 4 obs ft 12 obs m in UL mode Log up to 18,000 events stores on FIFO basis minimum 15 minutes maximum 15 days minimum period 1 day During AutoLearn thresholds are changed from pre set values compensation for external ambient conditions Alarm Levels per sector pipe Alert Action Fire 1 Fire 2 Fault Warning Levels Maintenance and Major fault Programmable Relays 7 or 12 Aids Filter Flow monitoring reporting via VESDAnet or Event Log Scan Threshold detector selects the appropriate scan threshold MOUNTING BOX SURFACE MOUNTING BRACKET TERMINATION CARD Relay Version TERMINATION CARD Relay Version INFORMATION VLS 200 VLS 300 VLS 600 VLS 700 VLS 204 VLS 304 VLS 214 VLS 314 VLS 210 VLS 310 7 relays 12 relays 7 relays LEDs 12 relays LEDs 7 relays display 12 relays display 7 relays display programmer 12 relays display programmer 7 relays programmer 12 relays programmer Fike Corporation All Rights Reserved No V 1.04.01 July 2005 Specifications are subject to change without notice document may not be reproduced in whole or in part by any means without the prior express written permission of the copyright owner Copyright 2003 Vision Security Pty Ltd ABN 008 009 514 The manufacturer reserves the right to change designs or specifications without obligation and without further notice VESDA LaserPLUS LaserSCANNER LaserCOMPACT VESDAnet VESDAlink ASPIRE AutoLearn VSM VConfig and InfoWORKS are trademarks used under by the distributor