Notifier Meter Assembly VM-1 AM-1 MPM-3

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Meter Assembly AM 1 MPM 3 Installation 01 546 A1 8 13 02 Meters ammeter AM 1 or voltmeter VM 1 or both MPM 3 can be installed for use with the CHG 120 charger Refer to Table 1 descriptions of optional connectors on the charger If mounting an AM 1 or a VM 1 mount the meter to a BB 55 as shown Figure 2 If mounting an MPM 3 mount to a power supply Figure 3 installed in a CAB 3 Table 1 contains descriptions and numbers for these optional meters A ammeter with a 3 ft 914 m cable for connection to the charger at Mounts into a BB 55 battery box only V voltmeter with 3 ft 914 m positive and negative leads for connection the charger output circuit Mounts into a BB 55 battery box only and Assembly AM 1 and VM 1 attached to a mounting bracket Mounts onto an MPS 24A MPS 400 power supply 1 Meters an AM 1 the following steps to install an AM 1 Cut jumper JP9 on the charger refer to Figure 1 Connect the AM 1 harness to JP3 on the charger refer to Figure 1 Be sure to observe proper polarity Mount the AM 1 into a mounting slot on the front of the BB 55 refer to Figure 2 1 Device Connections Rev A1 2 Mounting an AM 1 or VM 1 to a BB 55 Battery Box a VM 1 VM 1 can be connected across a charger output circuit For example to install a VM 1 to measure voltage from charger circuit 2 perform the following steps Connect the positive lead to TB2 Out 2 refer to Figure 1 Connect the negative lead to TB2 Out 2 refer to Figure 1 Mount the VM 1 into a mounting slot on the front of the BB 55 battery box an MPM 3 the following steps to install an MPM 3 Connect the AM 1 refer to Figure 1 Connect the VM 1 refer to Figure 1 Mount the MPM 3 onto an MPS 400 or MPS 24A power supply refer to Figure 3 The MPM 3 must be with the mounting supplied with it Any mounting screws in power supply PC board be removed from the installation site prior to of the MPM 3 3 Mounting an MPM 3 Rev A1

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