Notifier ONYX Digital Voice Command Sell Sheet

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ONYX Digital Voice Command quality voice for evacuation and firefighter s Digital Voice Command is NOTIFIER s new digital audio evacua paging and firefighter s telephone system More and more local are requiring emergency communications and voice evacua systems and progressive building owners and managers are systems to provide maximum protection for their occupants any emergency situation NOTIFIER s new Digital Voice Command delivers high quality audio for live emergency paging and simul broadcasting of multiple stored messages Emergency Notification Digital Voice Command s multichannel digital audio lets you multiple distinct messages throughout your entire facility select designated areas Digital Voice Command provides critical or instruction in an emergency insuring the right people the right information at the right time during a smoke fire incident chemical spill or weather event or Custom Audio Messages you can record and maintain your own library of messages and as standard WAV format audio files Digital Voice Command with a standard library of message files to choose from when up the system a feature that speeds installation and simplifies changes addition to the standard message library you can conveniently and record edit and distribute your own custom messages or tones VeriFire Tools programming utility can be used to compile a series up to 999 packaged or custom messages Digital Voice Command storage for 32 minutes of audio messages Over Fire Alarm Network standard feature of Digital Voice Command is an interface with proprietary fire alarm network NOTI FIRE NET NFN capability allows for the distribution of multiple Digital Voice on a site adding to the survivability and capacity of system Additionally the fire alarm network connection provides channel for audio distribution and live network wide paging firefighter telephones from Digital Voice Command Telephone support communications of emergency response personnel the building during an event Digital Voice Command up to 5 channels of Firefighter s Telephone operation and Support products and services are through an extensive network authorized Engineered Systems These distributors are to assist you in the design commissioning and of your ONYX Digital Command and NOTIFIER alarm control systems learn more about ONYX Digital Command or other NOTIFIER call 203 484 7161 and for the distributor nearest you visit us at www notifier com and ONYX are registered trademarks of Honeywell International Circuit Telephone Circuit Circuit Telephone Circuit Circuit Telephone Circuit Digital Voice Headquarters Clintonville Road CT 06472 1610 USA 203 484 7161 203 484 7118 2010 Honeywell Int 08 17 10

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