Siemens Quality Update 1 for Desigo CC Family V5 1

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Update 1 for Desigo CC Family V5.1 Notes Infrastructure Security Security document is classified as Restricted information is intended for employees and third parties for example suppliers customers with Siemens only This means that it is possible to share in this document with third parties that are interested in our product on basis However distributing this document to the public or it on the internet is prohibited 20 security disclaimer security disclaimer provides a portfolio of products solutions systems and services that security functions that support the secure operation of plants systems and networks In the field of Building Technologies this includes building and control fire safety security management as well as physical systems order to protect plants systems machines and networks against cyber threats it necessary to implement and continuously maintain a holistic state of the art concept Siemens portfolio only forms one element of such a concept are responsible for preventing unauthorized access to your plants systems and networks which should only be connected to an enterprise network the internet if and to the extent such a connection is necessary and only when security measures e g firewalls and or network segmentation are in Additionally Siemens guidance on appropriate security measures should be into account For additional information please contact your Siemens sales or visit https www siemens com global en home company topic portfolio undergoes continuous development to make it more secure strongly recommends that updates are applied as soon as they are and that the latest versions are used Use of versions that are no longer and failure to apply the latest updates may increase your exposure to threats Siemens strongly recommends to comply with security advisories on latest security threats patches and other related measures published among under https www siemens com cert en cert security advisories htm 20 Notice Notice information is subject to change without notice by Siemens Switzerland Companies names and various data used in examples are fictitious unless noted No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any or by any means electronic or mechanical for any purpose without the written permission of Siemens Switzerland Ltd software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement and be used or copied only in accordance with license terms further information contact your nearest Siemens Switzerland Ltd Desigo CC Cerberus DMS Cerberus PRO and Sinteso are registered of Siemens Switzerland Ltd product or company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their owners 2022 03 11 ID A6V13229131 en a 51 Siemens Switzerland Ltd 2022 20 of Contents 10 V5.1 Quality Update 1 11 Quality Update 1 for Newly Added EM 13 Software Components and Related Version 14 for Known Issues Requests 15 fixes related to Cybersecurity 18 Note for Apache Log4j Vulnerability 18 Open Issues 18 19 20 this document this document document describes the installation instructions and contains detailed about the Quality Update 1 QU1 for Version 5.1 of the following Desigo CC Cerberus DMS Desigo CC Compact Desigo CC Connect 20 Chanel Country Partners SSP Europe Americas Germany Middle East and Pacific AE Arab Austria AM America DE Germany Bosnia CA Canada AU Australia Other Regions Belgium US USA ASEAN BT INT Bulgaria BR Brazil CN China SEE WR AT Switzerland CL Chile HK Hong Kong WR FIN Czech Rep CO Colombia Indonesia OEM Germany EC Ecuador India SI LP Denmark MX Mexico KR Korea Estonia PE Peru MY Malaysia Spain VE Venezuela NZ New Zealand Finland France United Greece Croatia Hungary Ireland Italy Lithuania Luxemburg Latvia Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Serbia Russia Sweden Slovenia Qatar Saudi Arabia Singapore Thailand Taiwan 20 Slovakia Turkey Ukraine 20 Introduction 5.1 Quality Update 1 QU1 is a package of several patches for known that might exist on sites where V5.1 of any of the products belonging to CC family is installed to the existence of the QU concept the patches were released upon and were installed individually very often following manual copy of files the new concept of Quality Update a combination of patches for the different components is delivered and downloaded as a single package and the takes care that only the necessary fixes are installed for a given site is performed silently there are still some manual steps that cannot be covered with the QU for example update of 3rd party software components or configuration outside the scope of the installer For these manual actions we provide in this document that should be followed for a correct application of 20 V5.1 Quality Update 1 Quality Update 1 for Newly Added EM Installing V5.1 Quality Update 1 want to install the V5.1 Quality Update QU1 over an existing V5.1 this Quali

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