Siemens VIK-1 Vibration Isolator Kit, Installation Instructions

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Installation Instructions VIK 1 Isolator Kit Safety INSTRUCTIONS FOR COAST GUARD MOUNTING KIT MODEL VIK 1 On Table 1 See other side locate the enclosure model to be installed Determine the number of to be used and the distance between isolator centers Mark isolator centers to be used on the bulkhead and draw perpendicular lines through each of the Drill 5 16 inch clearance holes into bulk head Mount isolator to bulkhead with 1 4 20x3 4 cap washer and lockwasher Tighten to 13 ft lbs of torque Refer to the stud assembly illustration 1 for the proper hardware sequence Mount the enclosure to the isolators Figure 2 with 1 4 20x1 2 cap screw washer and lockwasher to 13 ft lbs of torque Flexible conduit or cable with a maximum diameter of 3 4 inch and a minimum length 18 inches from a rigid connection should be used to house external wiring THREADS THREADS SOCKET HEAD SCREW 3 4 LONG FLAT WASHER INTERNAL LOCKWASHER FLAT WASHERS UNDER TO MEET MAX 2 REQUIREMENT HEAD SOCKET HEAD CAP 1 2 LONG FLAT WASHER INTERNAL LOCKWASHER VIK 1 Kit can only be used bulkheads with a thickness no greater than 5 16 inch Building Technologies Inc Fernwood Road Park New Jersey 07932 315 049548 1 ISOLATOR DETAIL COAST GUARD APPLICATION 1 Building Technologies Ltd Kenview Boulevard Ontario L6T 5E4 CN 1 ONLY 33 or 35 TO MOUNTING ENCLOSURE EA 35 DRILL FOUR 5 16 INCH DIAMETER HOLES LOCATED VERTICALLY THE A AND C DIMENSIONS DIAGRAM FOR EA 32 33 AND 35 ENCLOSURES COAST GUARD APPLICATION 2 315 049548 1