System Sensor D2

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2 Wire Photoelectric Smoke Detector InnovairFlex Series are the only duct smoke flexible enough to fit configurations from to rectangular and everything in between Photoelectric integrated low flow technology Air velocity rating from 100 ft min to 4,000 ft min m s to 20.32 m sec Versatile mounting options in square or rectangular configuration modular construction Plug in sensor Superb false alarm immunity with the latest sensor technology Broader ranges for operating temperature to 158 and 0 to 95 non condensing Patented sampling tube installs from front or back of the detector no tools required A cover tamper feature to indicate a trouble condition for removed improperly installed sensor cover Increased wiring space with a newly added inch conduit Improved LED status 24 VDC Backward compatibility with existing Innovair products including accessories Listings InnovairFlex D2 2 wire photoelectric duct smoke detector a pivoting housing that fits various applications both square rectangular footprints mount to round or rectangular duct work new duct smoke detector senses airflow speeds ranging 100 to 4,000 feet per minute with proven System Sensor The enhancements built into this model improve false immunity with plug in sensor head broaden operating to 158 and humidity 0 to 95 percent non ranges while simplifying installation and maintenance advance features can detect smoke even in the harshest duct new design provides more wiring space with an added inch knockout Numbers and labels for terminal designations are with previous Innovair models The new sampling tube be clicked into position with one smooth motion from either the or the back of the detector InnovairFlex D2 duct smoke detector has signals to indicate and maintenance conditions Additionally a cover tamper is incorporated to indicate a trouble condition for removed improperly installed sensor cover An improved cover design with integrated the low flow feature isolates the sensor head from the technology for simple maintenance InnovairFlex series is designed for greater flexibility and reliable detection to simplify installation and maintenance The new product line is backward compatible to existing Innovair including remote test accessories Duct smoke detectors have specific limitations SMOKE DETECTORS ARE a substitute for an open area smoke detector a substitute for early warning detection and a replacement for a building regular fire detection system to NFPA 72 and 90A for additional duct smoke detector information Duct Smoke Detector Specifications Specifications air duct smoke detector shall be a System Sensor InnovairFlex D2 Photoelectric Duct Smoke Detector The detector housing shall be UL listed per UL specifically for use in air handling systems The flexible housing of the duct smoke detector fits both square and rectangular footprints The detector operate at air velocities of 100 ft min to 4000 ft min 0.5 m sec to 20.32 m sec The unit shall be capable of providing a trouble signal in the event that sensor cover is removed or improperly installed It shall be capable of local testing via magnetic switch or remote testing using the RTS451KEY remote test Terminal connections shall be of the strip and clamp method suitable for 12 AWG wiring in 37 cm Length 5 in 12.7 cm Width 2.5 in 6.36 cm Depth in 19.7 cm Length 9 in 22.9 cm Width 2.5 in 6.35 cm Depth lb 0.82 kg to 158 20 to 70 to 158 to 70 to 95 relative humidity non condensing to 4000 ft min 0.5 to 20.32 m sec Specifications Rectangular Square Temperature Range Temperature Range Humidity Range Duct Velocity Ratings supply voltage capacitance voltage time with RTS451 time by power down up time response time Test Requirements Using No Accessories standby current standby current average alarm current mA Current Loads at 24 VDC VDC max VDC min to 0.3 sec sec max sec max sec detector label mA mA mA mA Max mA Max mA Max the InnovairFlex Sampling Tube InnovairFlex sampling tube may be installed from the front or back of the detector The tube locks securely into place and can be removed by releasing front or rear locking tab front locking tab shown below right for 2 wire Duct Smoke Detector wiring diagram for 2 wire duct smoke detectors powered from initiating device circuit LISTED 2 WIRE PANEL DETECTOR LOOP D2 DETECTOR LOOP D2 DETECTOR LOOP D2 IN OUT IN OUT IN OUT OPTIONAL ALARM LED OPTIONAL ALARM LED VDC NOM ALARM VDC NOM ALARM OPTIONAL ALARM LED VDC NOM ALARM D OPTIONAL WIRING RESISTOR PANEL diagram for 2 wire duct smoke detector to RTS151 RTS151KEY Remote Test Station RED REMOTE STATION IN OUT RA RA RTS 1 AUX POWER LOCATED AT DUCT DETECTOR TEST COIL TEST COIL VDC POWER USER VDC POWER USER VAC 10 WAVE RECTIFIED POWER BE USED VAC 10 WAVE RECTIFIED POWER BE USED RED TEST COIL TEST COIL IN OUT RA RA RTS REMOTE STATION 2 AUX POWER LOCATED TEST STATION THE USE OF EITHER THE RTS151 OR RTS151KEY REQUIRES THE INSTALLATION OF AN ACCESSORY COIL DCOIL SOLD Note use of either RTS151 or RTS151KEY requires the installation of an accessory coil DCOIL sold separately refer to the D2 installation manual for more information SEE FIGURE 9 ABOVE FOR REFERENCE Sensor provides system flexibility with a variety of accessories including two remote test stations and different means of visible and system annunciation As with our duct smoke detectors all duct smoke detector accessories are UL listed UL S2522 UL S2522 UL S2522 Information No photoelectric low flow duct smoke detector conventional photoelectric sensor head remote test coil required with RTS451 RTS451KEY sampling tube duct width up to 1ft 0.3m sampling tube duct widths 1 ft to 2 ft 0.3 to 0.6 m sampling tube duct widths 2 ft to 4 ft 0.6 to 1.2 m sampling tube duct widths 4 ft to 8 ft 1.2 to 2.4 m sampling tube duct widths 8 ft to 12 ft 2.4 to 3.7 m enclosure exhaust tube duct width 1ft 0.3m magnet cap for metal sampling tubes annunciator alarm LED test station test station with key lock Ohio Avenue St Charles IL 60174 800 SENSOR2 Fax 630 377 6495 System Sensor specifications subject to change without notice Visit systemsensor com for product information including the latest version of this data sheet 9 10 2498