Fike Killark XAL XAS Series Controls

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C44 A L X A S S E R I E S C O N T R O L S I R E A L A R M S TAT I O N S Ring Glass E AT U R E S S P E C I F I C AT I O N S Hazardous areas due to the pres of flammable gases or vapors dusts or easily ignitable or flyings Installation at petroleum refineries and petrochemical plants areas and other processing where hazardous substances handled or stored Areas where emergency control of alarm or signal circuits is required Enclosure is made of copper free alloy Conduit openings are 3 4 NPT feed Red textured powder epoxy paint is standard on box and cover provides high visibility for alarm XAL 458 has 2 normally open and normally closed contacts Bilingual nameplates included per requirement Internal ground screw is standard I Div 1 2 Groups C D l Zones 1 2 Groups llB llA II Div 1 2 Groups E F G Ill 7 C D 9 E F G Breaking glass with hammer pro activates alarm Reset by replac glass glass catalog number hammer and chain Series File E50498 File LR31085 files for details or call Killark The alarm station is activated by the front cover and pulling down This quick easy to use two step prevents unintentional opera Operator is reset by depressing and returning plate to original Series File E50498 CE69 File LR31085 California State Fire Marshall A L F I R E A L A R M S TAT I O N O N TA C T B L O C K R AT I N G MAKE NUMBER OPERATION TYPE BLOCKS ring ring glass NO NC NO NC NO NC On XAL 458 the overall depth is 5 9 16 16 DIA HOLES