Trane BAS-PRC002-EN

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TRACER SUMMIT Services system 1999 Standard Inc 1999 Standard Inc 1999 Tenant Services PC Workstation is a node on the Tracer Summit Ethernet LAN The Tenant system communicates directly the Tracer Summit system using communication over the Ethernet network This direct enables the Tenant Services to respond quickly and reliably to override requests communication Tenant Services system reads data and writes data to Tracer Summit control units The Tenant system makes setting up and the BACnet interface very It automatically polls the Tracer system for points that can be for after hours control The operator selects the correct control points the list of available points for each Services system Tracer Summit Tenant Services is a full time energy tool The system is ready hours a day to respond to tenant for after hours control of ventilating and air conditioning and lighting for specific building It is a PC based software package allows a property or facility manager Reduce energy consumption Track after hours use Bill tenants for after hours use Tenant Services system is an add on of the Tracer Summit management system It an easy to use telephone that enables a tenant to call in request after hours control of only or HVAC and lighting Tenant Services system provides scheduling options for requests Immediate override request Standing override request Future scheduled override request receiving an after hours control the Tenant Services system comfort control for the area The Tenant Services is factory loaded tested and on a fully configured PC with Windows NT standard feature package is for buildings with more than 15 areas and a nearly unlimited of users in each area Table 1 the Tenant Services features for LT and standard packages Tenant Services system offers two packages for optimal system Light LT feature package Standard feature package LT feature package is intended for with up to 15 tenant areas and more than 10 users in each area 1 Tenant Services features connect requests from 1 hours personal instructions for system use a detailed invoice with usage data generates tenant and user ID codes number of tenant areas number of users per tenant area recorded greeting user number works with all tenants database updating utilities energy management system types requests up to one year in advance standing ongoing requests split prorated billing states lease hours and cost of transaction during call software building tenants change the property firm can easily update the Services system to ensure after hours control and invoicing The system provides tenant editing screen that enables the management firm to quickly the appropriate tenant changes 1 shows the tenant editing with sample data 1 Tenant editing screen invoicing and reports 2 Sample invoice Tenant Services system has the of generating a customized detailed invoice for the after hours provided to each building tenant property management firm can print invoices for billing purposes Tenant Services system Maintains a record of standard occu times for each tenant as defined the lease agreement Maintains a record of after hours use includes the date and source of request the start and stop times each request and the duration of after hours override the property management firm an invoice the Tenant Services compiles billable override hours override hours are only those of use that Fall outside the standard occupied for the tenant Occurred since the last time an was generated for the tenant system then applies an hourly usage determined by the property firm to the billable hours and generates a printable Figure 2 shows a sample detailed information on the invoice solid evidence to the tenant an override occurred The evidence eliminates billing disputes historical information is required the Services system maintains an database of tenant override invoice data The property firm can easily access the both to analyze after hours use to provide a specific tenant with a copy of the historical data instructions 3 Sample instruction page training is a major task associated implementing a telephone access in a new or existing building The Services system makes user simple and straightforward The management firm can request system to print customized instructions for each user into the system The system the instructions according to features that are available to the The operating instructions can then distributed to the building tenants 3 shows a sample page from a page instruction Order Number Number Location Crosse Trane Company Applied Systems Group Pammel Creek Road Crosse WI 54601 7599 American Standard Company The Trane Company has a policy of continuous product improvement it reserves the right to design and specifications without notice

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